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Persico et al. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2023;2:xx  Page 11 of 21

                ● Composite score                                       33       47.0 ± 2.7 (19-72)
                Ongoing psychopharmacological treatment:
                ● Antiseizure medications                               5        15.2%
                ● Atypical Antipsychotics                               3        9.1%
                ● Lithium carbonate                                     1        3.0%
                ●  Melatonin                                            3        9.1%
                ● Dietary supplements                                   1        3.0%

               †                ‡                   §
                IQ: Intelligence Quotient,  CGI: Clinical Global Impression,  VABS: Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale.

               Intellectual Disability (ID) or Global Developmental Delay (GDD), either alone (n = 19, 57.6%) or
               associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (n = 13, 39.4%). All 33 patients also displayed
               Developmental Motor Coordination Disorder, while 7 (21.2%) have a history of Bipolar Disorder. Severe
               Language Developmental Disorder was present in 31 (93.9%) patients. Thirteen (42.9%) patients were taking
               psychopharmacological treatment or nutraceuticals at baseline (T0), which were kept constant throughout
               the study [Table 4].

               Regarding primary outcome measures, several measures reached nominal significance in favor of the active
               compound  [CoQ10  +  Vit.  E  +  polyvitamin  B]  producing  greater  improvement  than  the  active
               comparator  [Vit. E + polyvitamin B]  [Table 5A  for  summary  statistics  and  Figure 3,  depicting  single
               patients]. Specifically, greater positive responses were recorded mainly in:

               (a) Motor skill deficits, with VABS motor skill displaying a sizable improvement (MD +6.81, 95%CI: +1.89;
               +11.72, P = 0.0147). This statistic includes only 10/33 patients whose age falls within the range for VABS
               motor skill (0-6 years), but it is paralleled by non-significant improvements in VAS gross- and fine-motor
               skills collected for all 33 patients, reaching a P = 0.058 in clinician-scored VAS for fine-motor skills. These
               results are also consistent with clinical observation of widespread small-to-moderate improvement,
               especially in fine-motor function. This positive effect was surprisingly most evident in three highly
               compromised patients initially wheelchair-bound due to very large deletions spanning from SHANK3 to
               TCF20 and beyond: all three became able to hold up and use fork and spoon during meals; for one, it
               became feasible to sit up and undertake sessions of mild horse-assisted intervention.

               (b) "Enjoyment in shared play", i.e., participation in play activities with others, employing exchanges of
               glances and smiles (VAS, P = 0.0199). This variable exemplifies one of the benefits most consistently
               reported by parents, namely increased responsiveness to environmental stimulation and greater social

               (c) Repetitive behaviors were significantly reduced according to parents (VAS, P = 0.0198), with a similar
               trend also observed by clinicians (VAS, P = 0.0770). This observation describes a consistent subgroup of
               patients and not a small subset because at T0, parents reported the presence of motor stereotypies in 27
               (81.8%) patients, and during the intake visit, motor stereotypic behaviors were directly observed by the
               clinician in 15 (45.5%) patients.

               No effect modification by age was detected for enjoyment in shared play (P = 0.2896) and repetitive
               behaviors (med P = 0.5297, par P = 0.5656), whereas the number of observations for VABS motor skills was
               not sufficient to allow reliable testing of age effects.
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