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Mu et al. Microstructures 2023;3:2023030  Page 13 of 21

               phenotype and subsequent calcification [209,210] . PPi is identified as the principal inhibitor of HAp deposition,
               evidenced by antagonizing the ability of Pi to crystalize with Ca to inhibit biomineralization and acquired
               clinical conditions regarding pathological calcification upon its deficiency . OPN is found to be associated
               with nascent mineralization foci during bone mineralization and present at interfaces where mineralization
               is needed to be quenched [211,212] .

               Several approaches to regulating the metabolisms of these natural inhibitors exhibited promising results in
               treating pathological mineralization. For example, Vitamin K supplementation showed the effect of
               reducing the progression of vascular mineralization and subsequent arterial stiffness [33,213] . Bisphosphonates,
               derivatives of PPi, stabilize the Pi groups by a phosphorus-carbon-phosphorus backbone. Compared to PPi,
               which can be easily hydrolyzed, bisphosphonates have extended plasma half-life and improved stability .
               Bisphosphonates showed their potency to reduce fractures in postmenopausal osteoporosis . They have
               also been found to reduce soft tissue calcification and interfere with osteoclast functions [33,204] . Alendronate, a
               widely prescribed bisphosphonate, has shown good tolerance and improvements in several patients with
               brain calcification . Other bisphosphonates, such as etidronate, pamidronate, and ibandronate, have been
               demonstrated to inhibit aortic calcification both in vitro and in vivo [202,215-218] . In addition to bisphosphonates,
               a few proteins associated with the metabolism of PPi have also been identified to be promising for targeted
               treatment of pathological mineralization, such as ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase-1
               (ENPP1), ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 6 (ABCC6), progressive ankylosis protein (ANK), and
               tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) [219-222] . Inspired by the inhibitory effect of acidic urinary
               macromolecules (e.g., OPN) on the formation of CaO  in vitro, polymeric carboxylic amino acids, poly-L-
               glutamic and aspartic acid, were found to inhibit the crystallization of CaO x [223] . A similar inhibitory effect
               was also found to be achieved by acidic polyanion poly (acrylic acid) [224-226] . Additionally, sodium thiosulfate
               (STS) treatment was found to inhibit calcium salt precipitation in calciphylaxis [227-230] . Nevertheless, these
               results were limited either in the long-term efficacy or potential toxicity of the STS treatment .
               Moreover, the presence of trace elements has been shown to play a role in the crystal formation kinetics or
               external morphology of a growing crystal. It could be promising in designing therapeutic approaches again
               pathological mineralization [102,231] . For example, Mg, Zn, aluminum (Al), Fe, and Cu are indicated as growth
               inhibitors of CaO  at very low concentrations [232-235] . Adding AlCl  or FeCl  to transplanted valves effectively
               delayed the onset of valve calcification by blocking TNAP activity .
               Our understanding of pathological/ectopic mineralization has been dramatically improved in parallel to
               bone biology and advanced characterization techniques widely used in the field of material science [22,92,201] .
               Significant progress has been made in elucidating the properties of pathological crystals and the underlying
               mechanisms of pathological/ectopic calcification that occurred in soft tissues over the years. By elucidating
               the physiological mechanisms of bone mineralization and their relationship with mineralization
               phenomena, we can develop targeted therapeutic interventions to prevent, manage, or treat these disorders.
               However, there are still some debatable questions regarding (a) the composition and structure of
               pathological crystals mediated by cellular activities and factors in the surrounding environment; (b) the
               dynamics of ion transport; (c) the involvement of cells and related cellular activities; (d) the interactions
               between pathological crystals and the surrounding tissues; and (e) how these contribute to disease
               progression . Even though attempts have been made to simulate the crystallization process, it is still
               challenging to comprehend the in situ crystallization process due to the involvement of cellular activities.
               Nevertheless, a more comprehensive understanding of how the structures are formed, progressed, and
               adapted to changing needs enables us to conceive new insights into the progression of the pathological
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