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Teng et al. Microstructures 2023;3:2023019  Page 3 of 29

               the Section "INTRODUCTION" of the review. The investigation of the morphological and electronic
               structure of filled CNTs heterostructures using transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopic
               techniques forms the focus of the Section "FILLING METHOD AND MECHANISM" of the review. The
               S e c t i o n   " M O R P H O L O G I C A L   A N D   E L E C T R O N I C   S T R U C T U R E   O F   F I L L E D   C N T S
               HETEROSTRUCTURES" of the manuscript reviews potential applications of filled CNTs heterostructures
               in a different field. Finally, we put forward a view on the possible opportunities and challenges of filled
               CNTs heterostructures.

               Successful filling of gas, liquid, and solid materials into the hollow nanospace of the CNT is possible, and
               the filling methods are categorized as in situ (filling of CNT during their growth)  and ex-situ (filling of
               pre-formed CNT) . The mechanism of filling materials inside CNTs is mainly due to the unique tubular
               structure of CNTs, which provides a sealed space for encapsulating materials inside. The diameter of CNTs
               can be controlled to match the size of guest molecules, thereby effectively trapping them inside. In addition,
               the strong van der Waals force between guest molecules and the inner wall of CNTs also helps to limit the
               effect and prevent molecules from diffusing outward. Depending on the properties of the filled materials,
               the vast majority of filled CNTs heterostructures are made using the ex-situ method, which primarily
               includes encapsulation from the gas or liquid phases, as well as sequential transformations in the cavity after
               pre-encapsulation. According to some studies, the adsorption effect of the lumens of carbon nanotubes is
               the main reason for filling the gas molecule . The principle of filling liquids and solids is mainly based on
               capillary and wetting effects . According to Young’s equation and Laplace equation theory, the force
               between the liquid and the inner surface of the carbon tube must be large enough to allow it to infiltrate .
               During the filling process, it is inevitable that the CNTs will have indirect contact or a surface coating with
               the guest material, and necessary post-processing, such as cleaning with appropriate solvents, is required to
               maximize the elimination of residual substances outside the tube that may affect the system.

               In-situ filling
               In-situ filling is filling CNTs directly with foreign material while they are being synthesized. As a result, the
               carbon nanotubes can be kept intact with a high fill rate, effectively isolating the encapsulation material
               from the surrounding environment. However, the in situ filling method yields a low filling yield, and some
               impurity elements will enter the interior of the carbon nanotubes during the filling process . In situ filling
               mainly includes arc discharge  and molten salt electrolysis .
               The arc discharge method is also called the graphite arc method. The vacuum reactor is filled with inert gas
               or hydrogen. Graphite rods of different sizes are used as electrodes. During the growth and filling process,
               the graphite rods at one end are gradually consumed, and the carbon nanotubes grow at the other end. This
               method was used by Guerret-Piécourt et al. to create element-filled CNTs in situ .

               Molten salt electrolysis is a method in which an inorganic salt is heated to melt into a liquid electrolyte in a
               carbon crucible for electrolysis to fill CNTs, which was first proposed by Hsu et al. They used this method
               to fill CNTs with Li C , LiCl, Sn, Pb, Bi, and Sn-Pb alloy [34,35] .
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               Ex-situ filling
               Ex-situ filling refers to the process of filling guest substances into the pre-synthesized carbon nanotubes,
               which is the most widely used approach to filled nanotubes preparation. According to the physical
               properties of the filled materials, they are introduced into the cavity of CNTs in the form of liquid or steam,
               corresponding to the liquid phase method and the gas phase method , respectively. In order to fill the
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