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Page 14 of 27  Yang et al. Microstructures 2023;3:2023013

 Table 2. Summary of electrochemical performance of Bi-based anodes for PIBs

 Redox   Current  Initial capacity  Initial
 Anode   Modification   Synthesis   potential   Density   (potassiation)  depotassiation   1st   Cycling   Best rate   Electrolyte Ref.
 materials  methods  method  (vs.K/K )  (mA g ) (mAh g )  (mAh g )  CE  performance  capability
 Bi/rGO Bi/rGO  Hybridized with   Simple room-   1.29 V   50   700  441  63%  Reversible capacity  290 mAh g    1 M KFSI in   [59]
 graphene  temperature    0.72-0.23   of 290 mAh g  after  after 50 cycles  EC/DEC (1:1,
 solution synthesis   V      50 cycles at current  at current   v/v)
 method                      density of 50 mA g  density of 50
                                                mA g
 Porous Bi   Nanostructural   Commercial  0.93-0.30  2C  371.4  322  87.2% After 300 cycles,   At 3C, the   1 M KPF  in   [58]
 design  V                   the capacity       capacity is still  DME.
                             remained at 282    high at up to
                                   -1                      -1
                             mAh g              321.9 mAh g
 Bi@3DGFs  Hybridized with 3D   Solid-state reaction  0.4-0.5 V  100  671  241  36%  185.2 mAh g  at 10  Rate capability  1 M KPF  in   [63]
                                -1                          -1
 porous   0.6-0.7 V          A g  after 2000    of 180 mAh g   DME
 graphene/design of          cycles             at 50 A g
 2D nanostructure
 Bi-doped   Hybridized with   Wet   /  200  656  382  58.2%  High capacity   0.8 M KPF  in  [64]
 porous   porous   chemistry/thermal            of 107 mAh g   EC/DEC
 carbon  carbon/design of   treatment           at 20 A g
 Bi nanorod/  Hybridized with   Wet   0.2-0.5 V  1000  723  470  65%  91% capacity   289 mA h g    1 M KPF  in   [74]
 carbon  carbon  chemistry/thermal   retention at 5 A g    at current   DME
 treatment                   after 1000 cycles  density of 6 A
                                        -1                 -1
 Bi nanorod/  Hybridized with   Thermal method  0.3-0.5 V  385  450  316  70%  266 mA h g  over   297 mA h g  at  1 M KPF  in   [66]
 N-doped   carbon/design of   1000 cycles at 10C  20C          DME
 carbon   nanostructure
                                       -1                 -1
 Bi@N-doped  Hybridized with N-  Wet   0.3-0.5 V  1000  721  346  48%  180 mAh g  at 30 A  175 mAh g  at  1 M KPF  in   [65]
                              -1                      -1              6
 carbon   doped   chemistry/thermal   g  after 1000 cycles 30 A g  DME
 nanosheets  carbon/design of   treatment
                                        -1                -1
 Bi@N-doped  Hybridized with N-  Evaporation method  0.25-0.81  50  624  373  59.7% 179.1 mAh g  at 50  162 mA h g  at  1 M KFSI  in   [75]
                                  -1                  -1
 carbon  doped   V           mA g  after 300    1.5 A g        DME
 carbon/design of            cycles
                                       -1                 -1
 Multicore-  Hybridized with   Solvothermal   0.77-0.32  1000  972  355  36.5% 235 mAh g  after   152 mAh g  at  1 M KPF  in   [76]
                                                       -1             6
 shell Bi@N-  Carbon/design of   method/ Thermal   V  2000 cycles at 10 A  100 A g  DME
 C  nanostructure  treatment   g
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86