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Page 2 of 12                                                    Mestres et al. Vessel Plus 2019;3:38  I
               circulation and DeWall  in the beginning of the fifties of the twentieth century have to be seen with the
               perspective of time as ground-breaking events that could probably be difficult to replicate in current times.

               Cardiac Surgery has undergone impactful changes since it became a medical specialty. It has been
               associated with the development of specialties within the chest and related to the cardiovascular surgery.
               The name has also undergone changes and different terms have been used over time. Cardiac Surgery,
               cardiovascular surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, have been associated to innovation. The approach chosen by
               Gibbon  was innovative at that time. The idea of oxygenating the blood while circulating through artificial
               tubes out of the body was an outstanding example of innovation. This followed the original studies of Max
               von Frey at the Carl Ludwig Leipzig Physiological Institute at the end of the 1890s’ , who also innovated
               at that time by developing a system for blood oxygenation. Since its inception as an independent specialty,
               inclusive of name changing, Cardiac Surgery has also been associated to education. Education is the
               foundation of the individual and the society. Education in Cardiac Surgery is a dynamic process and is
               considered as one of the most important activities in the Specialty. This has been highlighted over the years
               by many. Every department, every scientific society allocates resources and budget to cope with the needs
               of those who will deliver high-quality services and is highlighted in their respective mottos .
               As time goes by, it is evident that our Specialty changes. What it was done in the early developmental
               phases, does not apply in current times. The introduction of the HLM represented a breakthrough in
               surgery as it allowed to repair or palliate a number of previously unaddressed pathologies. Over the past
               70 years, we witnessed the evolution of the techniques, the consolidation of the specialty, the improvement
               in clinical results, thus resulting in the benefit of the community. This has been extensively recorded in the
               literature [9-13] .

               There have been substantial changes over time in the perception and action in the Specialty. Coronary
               artery surgery continues to be the gold standard in the treatment of triple-vessel disease, with or without
               left main lesions . Despite the advent of the newer transcatheter techniques that are later discussed,
               mitral valve repair for degenerative disease , surgery for infective endocarditis , aortic valve repair ,
               obstructive cardiomyopathy  and aortic surgery , to name just a few, are well-established and routine
               procedures all over. On the contrary, cardiac pacing, a surgical activity for decades , including all sorts
               of pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators  was slowly taken over by cardiologists almost
               everywhere. The improvement and miniaturization of hardware, the easiness of implantation and other
               factors, progressively shifted pacing towards Cardiology.
               Cardiac Surgery currently faces new challenges. This is well known, as challenges are always out there and
               are the foundation for development. This means Cardiac Surgery is continuously evolving as the surgeons
               do. It is not to be forgotten that surgery, despite its etymology, is not a manual activity, it is an intellectual
               activity. The surgeon does a manual work, surgery -from the Greek, χεῖρ cheîr “hand” y ἔργον érgon
               “work” , which is intellectually driven. Here we tried to understand which are the current challenges
               in Cardiac Surgery, where the frontiers for future development are and what we need to do to overcome
               difficulties in an adaptive process.

               Adaptive changes result from challenges. Darwin understood that species undergo adaptive changes
               as a response to environmental challenges , a theory that has also been challenged. The technological
               breakthrough of the HLM was challenged by a number of technological and biological umprecedented
               problems related to the new interactions between machines and the human body. New materials and new
               technology resulted in sophisticated devices incorporating better pump heads, biocompatible surfaces for
               cardiopulmonary bypass tubing aiming at reducing inflammatory response , multiple in-line sensors for
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