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Page 4 of 6                                                            Nardi et al. Vessel Plus 2018;2:4  I

               Table 1. Early and late results of the FTR surgical repair
                Authors            Repair techniques  Operative        Late survival  Freeedom from recurrence of
                                                     mortality                                  significant FTR
                Marquis-Gravel et al. [16]  De Vega, ring implant  14%  55% at 10 years  46% at 10 years
                Chan et al. [17]  De Vega, ring implant  3%     80% at 10 years      75% at 10 years
                Navia et al. [18]  De Vega, Kay, ring implant   44% at 10 years      98% at 5 years
                Huang et al. [20]  De Vega, ring implant  1.1%  84%, 97% (De Vega vs. ring) at  75%, 79% (De Vega vs. ring) at
                                                                5 years              5 years
                Takano et al. [21]  Ring implant    0           59% at 15 years      93% at 15 years
                Filsoufi et al. [25]  Ring implant  5.3%        85% at 2 years       100% at 2 years
                Fukuda et al. [26]  Ring implant    0           100% at 1 year       70 at 1 year
                Ghanta et al. [27]  Kay, ring implant  6.4%     75%, 61% (Kay vs. ring) at   75%, 69% (Kay vs. ring) at
                                                                3 years              3 years
                Chang et al. [28]  De Vega, Kay     3.4%        96% at 8 years       72% at 8 years
                Tang et al. [29]  De Vega, ring implant  7%, 4% (De Vega  36%, 49% (De Vega vs. ring) at  39%, 83% (De Vega vs. ring) at
                                                    vs. ring)   15 years             15 years
                McCarthy et al. [30]  De Vega, ring implant  8%  50% at 8 years      67%, 83% (De Vega vs. ring) at
                                                                                     8 years
                Our recent experience,  De Vega, Kay  0         100% at 1 year       100% at 1 year
               FTR: functional tricuspid regurgitation

               implantation at discharge, or during follow-up. Early and late results of surgical treatment of FTR are
               summarized in Table 1, reporting either data above mentioned than other surgical series.

               Current data suggest that tricuspid valve repair together with early elective surgical intervention for mitral
               valve disease should be done in order to improve late outcomes and avoid the risk of a late redo operation due to
               progression of FTR. In the presence of severe FTR, surgery continues to be recommended in Class I. Annular
               dilatation and history of congestive heart failure symptoms are important to take the decision to early repair
               of FTR, although more recent guidelines continue to indicate surgical intervention in these specific subgroup
               of patients in Class II. We agree that a dysfunction of the tricuspid valve, even if not associated with a severe
               insufficiency, should be corrected at the time of a surgical operation on the mitral valve, especially if the
               technique used to repair the tricuspid valve requires a short time of execution.

               Authors’ contributions
               Study design: Nardi P
               Development of methodology: Nardi P
               Collection of data: Ferrante S, Greci M, Vacirca SR, Russo M
               Analysis and/or interpretation of data: Pisano C, Pellegrino A, Bertoldo F
               Writing of the manuscript: Nardi P
               Supervision: Ruvolo G

               Financial support and sponsorship

               Conflicts of interest
               There are no conflicts of interest.

               Patient consent
               Not applicable.
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