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Cordero et al.                                                                                                                                              Bioresorbable scaffolds in acute coronary syndrome

                                  All-cause mortality                          MACEs/100 patients/year
                                                              No stent                                    42.9
                                                                 BMS                             32.3
                                                                 DES                      24.4
                        Log-rank test P < 0.01
                         0                               1                               2                              3  BVS  12.4
            Number at risk          Follow-up (years)
            Stent type = None     145                           98                             27                             6  0       5      10      15      20      25     30      35     40      45
            Stent type = BMS      157                         123                             31                           10
            Stent type = DES       505                         323                           119                           37  Figure 2: Major cardiovascular event (MACE) rates/100 patients/
            Stent type = BVS         50                           35                               6                             1
                                                              year according to stent type. BMS: bare metal stent; DES: drug-
                             None    BMS     DES    BVS       eluting stent; BVS: bioresorbable vascular scaffold
                                 Cardiovascular mortality
                     1.00                                     recorded in patients that received no stents, followed
                                                              by BMS, DES, and BVS [Figure 2]. Multivariate analysis
                                                              did not find any associations of mortality or cumulative
                                                              MACEs with stent type [Table 4]. Diabetes, age > 75
                                                              years and GRACE score > 140 were associated with
                                                              higher cardiovascular and all-cause mortality, whereas
                        Log-rank test P < 0.01                predictors of recurrent MACEs included  age > 75
                     0.70                                     years, diabetes, and previous cardiovascular disease;
                         0                               1                               2                              3
            Number at risk          Follow-up (years)         revascularisation  was  negatively associated  with
            Stent type = None     145                           98                             27                             6  recurrent events.
            Stent type = BMS      157                         123                             31                           10
            Stent type = DES       505                         323                           119                           37
            Stent type = BVS         50                           35                               6                             1  DISCUSSION
                             None    BMS    DES     BVS
                                                              This  single-centre  experience  with BVS  supports
                                      First MACE              their safety  and effectiveness for  revascularisation
                     1.00                                     during  ACS.  BVS-treated  patients had a  lower risk
                                                              profile  despite  the  fact  that  they  had  more  coronary
                     0.80                                     lesions and were treated more aggressively, as they
                                                              received  a higher  number of stents, more complete
                     0.60                                     revascularisation, and more intensive antiplatelet and
                                                              statin regimens.
                        Log-rank test P = 0.16
                         0                               1                               2                               3  Decision-making for stent use is influenced by many
            Number at risk          Follow-up (years)         factors related to patient characteristics, coronary
            Stent type = None     137                           80                             22                             5  lesions, and other risks. DES were introduced to better
            Stent type = BMS      143                           94                             25                             9
            Stent type = DES       486                         273                             90                           21  control the rate of restenosis  that occurs in patients
            Stent type = BVS         49                           31                               5                             1  treated with BMS.  The superiority of  DES has been
                            None    BMS       DES     BVS     largely demonstrated, [25]  although mortality benefit was
                                                              only clearly outlined with the later generation of DES. [8]
           Figure 1: Kaplan-Myer curves presenting cardiovascular mortality,
           all-cause mortality and time to first major cardiovascular event   BVS were conceived to avoid long-term complications
           (MACE) according to stent type. BMS: bare metal stent; DES: drug-  of  the metal structures by providing  temporary
           eluting stent; BVS: bioresorbable vascular scaffold
                                                              structural integrity before being  resorbed  completely
                                                              within the vessel wall. [9,26]  The long-term incidence of
           BMS (9.5%), DES (4.0%), and BVS (3.7%) (log-rank   cardiovascular events related to DES-treated vessels
           test, P < 0.01). No differences were observed between   is around 2% to 3% per year for at least 5 years [27,28]
           DES and BVS in mortality rates. No differences were   and the contribution of permanent metallic devices in
           observed in the incidence of MACE according to stent   lumen  target lesions  has a relevant  contribution. [29]
           type, although a tendency to lower incidence of time to   The Absorb   BVS  is  a  150  μm  thick  bioresorbable
           first MACE was noted for BVS: no stent (28.8%), BMS   polyl-lactide  scaffold with a conformal  bioresorbable
           (31.5%), DES (25.5%), and BVS (16.7%) (P = 0.16).   coating  (with  a  total  thickness  of  7  μm)  that  elutes
           The highest rate  of  MACEs/year/100 patients was   everolimus. [30]   Angiographic  follow-up of  BVS  has

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