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Cordero et al.                                                                                                                                              Bioresorbable scaffolds in acute coronary syndrome

           Table 2: Procedure and coronary lesions characteristics
           Characteristics                  No stent       BMS            DES           BVS            P
           Radial approach                   93.0%         96.4%         98.1%         100.0%         0.01
           No. of vessels with lesions, mean ± SD  0.8 ± 1.1  1.6 ± 0.8  1.7 ± 0.8     2.1 ± 0.8     < 0.01
           No. of stents/patient, mean ± SD  0.0 ± 0.0    1.4 ± 0.6     1.6 ± 0.9      2.8 ± 1.5     < 0.01
           Complete revascularization        49.0%         71.4%         76.3%          85.2%        < 0.01
           Left main disease                 7.1%           0.6%          6.1%          0.0%         < 0.01
           Coronary lesions                                                                          < 0.01
           1 vessel disease                  13.1%         59.9%         47.4%          24.1%
           2 vessel disease                  13.1%         22.2%         29.8%          42.6%
           3 vessel disease                  5.7%          16.8%         16.5%          33.3%
           LM + 1 vessel disease             1.6%           0.0%          0.6%          0.0%
           LM + 2 vessel disease             0.8%           0.0%          2.3%          0.0%
           LM + 3 vessel disease             6.6%           0.6%          3.2%          0.0%
           BMS: bare metal stent; DES: drug-eluting stents; BVS: bioresorvable vascular scaffold; LM: left main

           Table 3: Medical treatments recommended at discharge according to the stent received within hospital revascularization
           Characteristics                No stent        BMS           DES            BVS            P
           Aspirin                         76.9%         96.4%          96.6%         98.1%          0.01
           Clopidogrel                     25.6%         64.3%          43.5%         29.6%         < 0.01
           Ticagrelor                       5.8%         14.9%          28.3%         31.5%         < 0.01
           Prasugrel                        0.0%         17.3%          25.6%         38.9%         < 0.01
           Any new antiplatelet             5.8%         32.1%          53.9%         70.4%         < 0.01
           DAPT                            18.6%         92.9%          94.5%         98.1%         < 0.01
           Oral anticoagulants             14.1%         10.1%          5.3%           0.0%         < 0.01
           ARB/ACEI                        71.2%         79.2%          82.0%         79.6%          0.03
           Beta blockers                   64.7%         83.3%          88.4%         90.7%         < 0.01
           Diuretics                       37.2%         26.8%          19.5%         11.1%         < 0.01
           Statins                         69.2%         95.2%          95.1%         96.3%         < 0.01
              High dose statin             32.1%         70.8%          73.6%         83.3%         < 0.01
              Moderate dose statin         29.5%         16.7%          16.9%         13.0%         < 0.01
              Low dose statin               7.7%          6.5%          1.7%           0.0%         < 0.01
           Nitrates                        19.9%          6.5%          4.7%           1.9%         < 0.01
           Fibrates                         1.9%          3.0%          1.9%           1.9%          0.87
           Ezetimibe                        1.9%          0.6%          4.0%           1.9%          0.10
           Optimal medical treatment       33.3%         63.7%          70.4%         66.7%         < 0.01
           BMS: bare metal stent; DES: drug-eluting stents; BVS: bioresorvable vascular scaffold; DAPT: double antiplatelet treatment; ARB:
           angiotensin receptor blocker; ACEI: angiotensin-converter enzyme inhibitors
           the prevalence of diabetes or dyslipidaemia according   The highest in-hospital mortality rate was observed in
           to the stent type received. BMS-treated patients had   patients who were not (or could not be) stented (8.8%),
           the highest prevalence of comorbidities, reflected by   followed by those treated with BMS (7.2%) and DES
           the highest mean Charlson index.                   (3.3%).  As shown in  Table 3, BVS-treated patients
                                                              received the highest rate of dual antiplatelet treatment
           The details of  the revascularisation  outcomes are   and 70% received a new antiplatelet drug (prasugrel
           presented in Table 2. The radial artery approach was   or ticagrelor). Generally, patients treated with DES or
           utilised in most cases and in all BVS-treated subjects.   BVS received more intensive medical treatments.
           The mean number of coronary lesions was 1.6 (± 0.9)
           which was significantly higher in BVS-treated subjects;   Post-discharge follow-up was achieved in 95.0% of the
           the mean number of stents per subject was 1.3 (± 1.0)   cohort, with median  time of 13 months (interquartile
           and BVS-treated cases also had the highest rate. As a   range 9.0 to 22.0). All-cause mortality was 7.8%, and
           consequence, the rate of  complete revascularisation   cardiovascular mortality was 6.1%. Additionally, 26.4%
           was the highest in patients treated with BVS. No BVS   subjects experienced at least one MACE. Kaplan-Meier
           implantations were attempted in the left main coronary   curves are presented in Figure 1. All-cause mortality
           artery.                                            varied according to stent type: no stent (13.5%), BMS
                                                              (10.1%), DES (5.7%), and BVS (5.6%); the differences
           In-hospital mortality was 4.8% (46 patients out of 951)   were significant (log-rank test, P < 0.01). Cardiovascular
           and no patient treated with BVS died prior to discharge.   mortality declined in the same order: no stent (10.3%),
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