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Orekhov et al. Vessel Plus 2017;1:163-5                                           Vessel Plus
           DOI: 10.20517/2574-1209.2017.33
            Topic: Atherosclerosis and Related Diseases                                         Open Access

           Introduction of the special issue

           “Atherosclerosis and Related Diseases”

           Alexander N. Orekhov , Ekaterina A. Ivanova 3
           1 Laboratory of Angiopathology, Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Moscow 125315, Russia.
           2 Institute for Atherosclerosis Research (Skolkovo), Moscow 121609, Russia.
           3 XPE Pharma & Science, Wavre 1300, Belgium.
           Correspondence to: Prof. Alexander N. Orekhov, Laboratory of Angiopathology, Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Moscow 125315,
           Russia. E-mail:
           How to cite this article: Orekhov AN, Ivanova EA. Introduction of the special issue “Atherosclerosis and Related Diseases”. Vessel Plus

           Article history: Received: 19 Sep 2017    Accepted: 20 Sep 2017    Published: 28 Dec 2017

           Atherosclerosis and atherosclerotic diseases remain   of the disease mechanisms and the absence of
           the problem number one of current medicine and health   comprehensive concepts of the disease pathogenesis.
           care being the cause of myocardial infarction, stroke,   Detailed studying of the disease mechanisms at
           sudden death, and other common causes of mortality   molecular and cellular level using modern methods
           and disability. Atherosclerotic diseases account for   of analysis should attempt to solve this problem.
           more than 50% of total mortality in industrialized   Among the mechanisms to be studied at the first
           societies. Atherosclerotic lesion development has a   place, are lipid metabolism, innate immunity, chronic
           long asymptomatic phase. Therefore, in many cases,   inflammation and cell differentiation. In addition to the
           the first clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis   traditional methods of morphology and biochemistry,
           appear when the lesion is already well developed   the most advanced techniques of cellular and
           causing significant narrowing of the vascular lumen.   molecular biology should be applied. The results of
           Current treatment of atherosclerosis is mainly     these studies should contribute to the development of
           symptomatic and does not affect the atherosclerotic   novel comprehensive concepts of the pathogenesis
           lesion per se. Frequently, symptomatic therapy that   of atherosclerosis and to identification of novel
           improves the state of the patient even provokes further   pharmacological tagets for direct anti-atherosclerotic
           development of atherosclerosis. Unfortunately, direct   therapy. During the recent years, in addition to the
           anti-atherosclerotic therapy aimed at regression of   widely-accepted lipid concept of atherogenesis, new
           atherosclerotic plaques remains to be developed.   targets for anti-atherosclerotic therapy associated with
           Such development should become a major goal of     innate immunity and inflammation were proposed.
           modern medicine and pharmaceutical industry, taking
           into account the burden and clinical significance of the   Three articles of this special issue are discussing
           disease.                                           the mechanisms of atherogenesis and the diseases
                                                              associated with atherosclerosis. It is commonly
           The development of novel anti-atherosclerotic      accepted that modified low density lipoprotein (LDL)
           therapies is hindered by the lack of knowledge     plays a key role in the initiation and development of

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