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Tummala et al.                                                                                                                                                       Postoperative complications of spinal surgery

           out of which  13 (6.1%)  vascular  injuries  occurred  of   Conflicts of interest
           which 5 were major (38.5%). One major arterial injury   There are no conflicts of interest.
           (0.5%) occurred and required arterial thrombectomy
           and stent placement.   A case report of an acute   Patient consent
           Leriche-like  syndrome  after posterior  instrumentation   Appropriate consent was obtained from  the patient
           of the spine  highlighting  iatrogenic  trauma to the   regarding the usage of details for educational purposes.
           aorta during  spinal  surgeries  was described  by in a
           47-year-old female who developed an acute occlusion   Ethics approval
           of the infrarenal aorta after posterior  transpedicular
           instrumentation of an L1 burst-fracture. [13]      This case report is waived for ethical approval.

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