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Tummala et al.                                                                                                                                                       Postoperative complications of spinal surgery

           Figure 1: Enhanced computed tomography of thorax and abdomen
           imaging (sagittal reformation) shows a complete thrombosis of the
           distal aorta below the left renal artery, extending to the common
           iliac bifurcations
           studies were normal. No abnormal cardiac rhythm
           including atrial fibrillation was detected in the telemetry.
           Transesophageal echocardiography ruled out any left
           atrial thrombus.  There were no compressive lymph
           nodes or any other structure compressing on the
           aorta. Diagnosis of acute Leriche’s syndrome was
           established  which  was  attributed  to  acute  vascular
           injury following ALIF. The patient underwent emergent
           aortoiliac endarterectomy and aorta bifemoral bypass.   Figure 2: Enhanced computed tomography imaging (axial)
                                                              demonstrates an acute thrombus in the abdominal aorta causing
           During the surgery, acute thrombus was found in the   complete occlusion
           more proximal infrarenal aorta which was retrieved
           and then dacron graft was placed. His postoperative   risk of intra, peri, and postoperative complications.  A
           period was uneventful with complete resolution     systematic review conducted by Wood et al.  showed
           of symptoms within next 48 h. Postoperative, the   that vascular injury in elective anterior lumbosacral
           patient was  started  on antithrombotic therapy.   surgery is less  than 5% and complications being
           The symptoms completely resolved post vascular     thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and prolonged
           surgery  interventions  and  he  was  followed  up  as   hospitalization. It is shown that vascular complications
           an outpatient after a week. He resumed his regular   after  ALIF  range from  1.9%  to  5.6% in the  general
           lifestyle without any residual symptoms. Although the   population. [5,9,10]   The vascular complications  can
           patient had risk factors for Leriche’s syndrome, the   be in the  form  of  acute thrombosis, retroperitoneal
           acuity of the presentation was attributed to his recent   hemorrhage, and injury to the major blood vessels.
           surgical intervention where abdominal aorta was likely
           traumatized. The injury to aortic endothelium resulted   We highlight the rare case of acute Leriche’s syndrome
           in acute thrombus formation.                       following ALIF surgery which was initially misdiagnosed.
                                                              Firstly, the patient’s presentation of sensory and motor
           DISCUSSION                                         impairment misled physicians to have an impression
                                                              of neuropathy. Secondly, ischemic neuropathy is rarely
           Leriche’s syndrome is an occlusive disease of the   caused  by Leriche’s syndrome. [11,12]  Another  reason
           aorta which is characterized  by a triad of  symptoms   for misdiagnosis is his recent spinal surgery. Though
           like erectile dysfunction, claudication of thighs and legs   the patient was at risk for thrombus formation due to
           and diminished or absent femoral pulse. [6]        risk factors and atherosclerosis,  the interesting part
                                                              was the acute presentation of symptoms. There was
           There are many causes of acute Leriche’s syndrome   a case study in 2003 which reported 8 cases arterial
           like surgical manipulation,  trauma, thromboembolic   complication  following  ALIF in which  possible  risk
           disease, hypercoagulability, atrial fibrillation, neoplasm,   factors were analyzed.  The authors encountered  6
           intraplaque hemorrhage in an aneurysm. Post-surgical   cases of common iliac artery occlusion and two cases of
           Leriche’s syndrome is rare and needs a strong index   acute vasospasm as a complication of ALIF.  Another
           of suspicion to diagnose. Surgical treatment of adult   article in 2010 documented the incidence of vascular
           lumbar spinal disorders is associated with substantial   complications during ALIF in 212 consecutive patients,
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