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Samaha et al.                                                                                                                                                                                       Hyperlipidemia in Lebanon

           and analyzing were approved by the Research Ethics   ranged from 142 cm to 195 cm, with a mean height of
           Committee at the Lebanese University.              166.46 (± 7.76; SD) cm. Both the height and weight
                                                              of  males  were  significantly  higher  than  the  females’
           Blood sampling and laboratory                      [Table 1]. The range of the BMI was 14.2 to 49 kg/m ,
           Selected participants  were asked to undergo  a    with a mean of 26.703 ± 4.42 kg/m . Age-adjusted BMI
           12-h-fasting period, after which 5 mm of blood were   was found to be significantly higher in females than
           collected by  clean venipuncture  into dry  tubes (BD   males (P < 0.05).
           Vacutainer ). Plasma was separated by centrifugation
           (1,000 g, 4 ℃, 20 min). Plasma samples were frozen   In this population, the means for serum levels of
           until analysis, which was carried out not later than 4 h   cholesterol,  LDL-C, HDL-C  and triglycerides  were
           after phlebotomy. Since seasonal variation in plasma   respectively  208.5 ± 49.5, 133.2 ± 46.1, 43.1 ± 8.9,
           cholesterol  levels  is well  documented,  all  blood   and 163.6 ± 111.6 mg/dL  [Table 2]. Overall, an
           samples  were  collected  in  the same  month. Plasma   alarming 53.24% of the population had a cholesterol
           lipids  concentrations  were measured  at the Clinical   levels above 200 mg/dL, and thus can be considered
           Biochemistry Laboratory of Rayak Hospital, Lebanon.   hypercholesterolemic. [22]
           Total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides  levels were
           measured using automated  enzymatic-calorimetric   Importantly, cholesterol levels of the study
           techniques (COBAS  MIRA).  LDL  was calculated     participants were found to conform to a normal
           according to Friedewald formula as the total cholesterol   distribution with a mean of 208.5 ± 49.9 mg/dL, and
           minus  HDL  minus  one-fifth  triglycerides  level.  Final   a range of 110.4 mg/dL to 306.2 mg/dL  [Figure 1].
           results are reported in mg/dL concentrations. The used   Conformity of the distribution was tested by classical
           reagents were supplied by SPINREAC.S.A.
                                                              statistical analysis of the variance (q ) with confidence
           Statistical analysis
           All analyses were conducted using SPSS program by
           stepwise multiple regression analysis. The difference
           in mean values between two groups (like males
           versus females) was tested by Student’s t-test. A level
           of 5% for the P value was considered significant.


           Anthropometric measurements of the individuals who
           participated in this study are shown in Table 1. The
           age of the participants ranged from 15 to 87 years old,
           with a mean of 41.64 (± 15.9; SD) years. There was no
           significant difference between the mean age of males
           and females (41.8 vs. 41.48 years, respectively.) The   Figure 1: Distribution of cholesterol level in the population studied.
           mean weight of the participants was 74.15 (± 13.9;   The percent of the population with a measured level of cholesterol
           SD) kg, ranging from 36 kg to 150 kg. Their heights   (mg/dL) is plotted

           Table 1: Characteristics of the study participants
                            Males (502)              Females (501)              Total (1,003)
                      Mean     SD     Range     Mean     SD     Range    Mean      SD     Range      P-value
            Age        41.8    15.9     71      41.5    15.8      71      41.6    15.9      72        0.34
            Height     169.1    7.5     53      163.8    7.1      48      166.6    7.8      53       < 0.001
            Weight     77.6    13.1    100.8    70.9    13.8     110      74.2    13.9      53       < 0.001
            BMI        27.5     4.1    34.9     26.3     4.7     32.7     26.7     4.4     34.9        #
           P value denotes significant difference between genders. #denotes P < 0.05 for the age-adjusted body mass index (BMI)

           Table 2: Means of lipid profile parameters according to sex distribution
                                   Males (502)         Females (501)        Total (1,003)        P-value
            Cholesterol             205.7 ± 47.8        211.2 ± 51.9        208.5 ± 49.9           0.08
            LDL-C                   123.2 ± 46.3        140.7 ± 44.6        133.2 ± 46.1          < 0.001
            HDL-C                    43.4 ± 8.7          42.9 ± 9.1          43.1 ± 8.9           0.465
            TG                     177.6 ± 123.4        150.8 ± 98.7        163.6 ± 111.6         < 0.001
           Data presented as mean ± SD. LDL-C: low density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C: high density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG: triglycerides
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