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Page 8 of 20                  Pardo et al. Vessel Plus 2022;6:36

               Table 4. Professional society POAF-related guidelines
                           Criteria - subpopulation  STS AATS  ACC AHA & ESC  ACS SCAI ACCP  HFSA  ESC Count
                           Have guidelines      *    *     *              *         *           *   6
                Risks      Non-clinical risk factors*  *   *              *                         3
                           Clinical risk factors*    *                                              1
                Prevention  All patients*       *    *     *                                    *   4
                           Higher risk patients*     *     *                        *               3
                Management  All patients*            *     *              *                         3
                           Anticoagulation*     *    *     *              *         *           *   6
                           Hemodynamically stable*  *  *   *                                    *   4
                           Hemodynamically unstable*  *  *  *                                   *   4
                           Rate control*        *    *                                              2
                           Rhythm control*      *    *     *                                        3
                           EF < 45%                                       *                         1
                           EF > 45%                                       *                         1
                           Medical                   *                                              1
                           EP catheterization        *                                              1
                           Surgical treatment        *                                              1
                           Non-pharmacologic         *                                              1
                           Post discharge            *                                              1
                                                7    15    9              6    0    3     0     5

               POAF guidelines of the ten professional societies with “*” designating inclusion of criteria. Rows and columns are tallied up. These are broken
               down by risks, prevention, or management. These three criteria are further divided into a patient sub-population; criteria containing an asterisk (*)
               are further expanded upon in Tables 5-7 due to their inclusion in more than one  society [8,10,90-93] . POAF: Post-operative atrial fibrillation; STS:
               Society of Thoracic Surgeons; AATS: American Association for Thoracic Surgery; AHA: American Heart Association; ACC: American College of
               Cardiology; HRS: Heart Rhythm Society; ACS: American College of Surgeons; SCAI: Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions;
               ACCP: American College of Chest Physicians; HFSA: Heart Failure Society of America; ESC: European Society of Cardiology; EF: Ejection fraction;
               EP: Electrophysiology procedure.

               prevention, and management among both professional societies and literature, there is considerable
               evidence showing the extensive heterogeneity in defining and managing this POAF condition.

               Comparing the POAF definitional components, an outstanding question is how can a POAF definition be
               constructed optimally? Balancing definitional sensitivity and specificity is crucial. When evaluating the STS
               and AATS POAF definitions, it is clear that these two societies define POAF very differently.

               • STS definition: “POAF is defined as atrial fibrillation over one hour or requiring treatment”.

               • AATS definition: “POAF is defined as an absence of P waves and irregular RR intervals with episodes
               lasting at least 30 s or the length of the EKG strip (if less than 30 s). New-onset is defined as lasting < 48 h
               and persistent > 48 h. Symptoms usually include severe hypotension, acute myocardial ischemia, ischemia,
               and pulmonary edema/heart failure. Clinically significant PAOF requires rhythm control, anti-coagulation,
               and/or extents hospitalization ”.
               It can be argued that AATS’s definition, which has many layers, is in comparison to STS’s definition more
               restrictive in nature. This pull and tug of inclusivity and restrictiveness have consequences when attempting
               to capture the true incidence of clinically relevant POAF.
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