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Page 6 of 20                  Pardo et al. Vessel Plus 2022;6:36

               Table 2. Timing, nature, and treatment
                                                                                        Number of
                        Criteria - subcomponents
                New-onset  Continuous AF at any time before discharge                   9
                        Occurring during the procedure or within 30 days post-procedure  6
                        Continuous AF at any time postoperatively                       4
                        Occurring during the procedure or within 30 days post-procedure, w/o history of previous AF  2
                        Continuous AF of any duration at any time postoperatively       2
                        Any documented AF in the first 7 days following surgery, w/o history of previous AF  1
                        Any episodes that are brief, paroxysmal, and asymptomatic       1
                        ICD-9 code discharge diagnosis code of AF, not present before admission  1
                        Occurring during the procedure or within 3 days post-procedure  1
                Early onset  Occurring in the surgical department                       2
                        Any AF episode diagnosed by a physician during the hospital stay  1
                        ICD-9 code of 427.31 or ICD-10 code (I48.0, I48.1, I48.2, or I48.91) within admission or post-  1
                        Any documented AF in the first 6 days following surgery         1
                        Any documented AF in the first 7 days following surgery         1
                        Occurring during the procedure or within 14 days post-procedure  1
                        Occurring during the procedure or within 9 days post-procedure  1
                        Occurring during the procedure or within 10 days post-procedure  1
                Late-onset  Occurring 3 months after the procedure                      1
                        Occurring during the rehabilitation period                      1
                        Occurring during rehabilitation period and within 20 ± 5 days   1
                        (Transplant): occurring after discharge, minimum 14 days post-procedure, w/o history of previous AF  1
                        (Transplant): occurring after discharge, minimum 9 days post-transplant, w/o history of previous AF  1
                Silent  Post-procedure, only detected by continuous ECG for pts w/o history of previous AF  1
                        Within 7 days post-procedure, only detected by Holter for pts w/o history of previous AF  1
                Recurrent  POAF recurrence: continuous AF at any time during or after the operation  3
                Treatment  AF requiring treatment                                       13
                        Within 48 h post-procedure, confirmed by ECG, resulting in the need for intervention  1
                        Any documented AF in the first 7 days following surgery and requiring treatment  1
               POAF general definitions comprised of 54 publications broken down into different criteria along with the number of publications mentioning a
               specific subcomponent. One publication may mention more than one subcomponent, but each subcomponent is composed of different
               publications. The time frame for this table spans from 2001-2020  .

               Between societies and independent manuscripts, the most variability was seen between first POAF
               observation timing and diversity of general definitions with only 24% (n = 8/33) of this criteria’s
               subcomponents in agreement.

               Part II - guideline recommendations for POAF patient management
               Across the ten professional societies guidelines, only eight included one or more management strategies for
               POAF classified based on the three listed strategies. Of these eight societies, three did not independently
               define postoperative atrial fibrillation but referred to another published atrial fibrillation definition. Five
               societies provided risk assessment guidelines [Table 6], seven societies published POAF prevention
               guidelines [Table 5], and all eight societies provided POAF management guidelines [Table 7].

               In evaluating POAF risk, eight risk characteristics were commonly identified (> 50% consensus); all of these
               risk factors were viewed as non-modifiable, including preoperative atrial arrhythmias, valvular disease,
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