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Pardo et al. Vessel Plus 2022;6:36  Page 7 of 20

               Table 3. POAF imaging and duration
                                    Criteria - subcomponents               Number of publications
                EKG finding         Irregular RR intervals                 20
                                    Absence of P waves                     17
                                    Fluctuating baseline                   4
                                    No consistent P waves before QRS       3
                Episode duration    > 30 s                                 22
                                    > 5 min                                14
                                    > 10 min                               4
                                    > 15 min                               3
                                    > 30 min                               3
                                    > 1 min                                2
                                    > 60 min                               2
                                    > 10 s                                 1
                                    > 2 min                                1
                                    Several minutes                        1
                                    < 5 min                                1
                                    > 6 min                                1
                                    > 10 min                               1
                                    < 60 min                               1
                                    > 12 h                                 1

               Criteria used to define POAF from 56 publications. These criteria are broken down into subcomponents along with the number of publications
               mentioning a specific subcomponent. One publication may mention more than one subcomponent, but each subcomponent is composed of
               different publications. The time frame for this table spans from 1995-2020 [19-21,23-25,27-34,36,38-43,45-51,54-56,60,62-64,66,66,67,70-89] .

               congestive heart failure, pericarditis, advancing age, male gender, and chronic lung disease. Advanced age
               had the greatest level (75%) of consensus among societies; advanced age as a risk for POAF has been
               identified by the literature . Three thoracic surgery procedures that drew consensus between STS and
               AATS and identified a high incidence of POAF (> 15%) were pneumonectomy, pleurectomy, and lung
               transplantation. As a modifiable risk factor, HTN was mentioned but only rarely.

               Across the eight prophylactic guidelines evaluated, the greatest level of consensus was found for the use of
               B-blockers (n = 5 society-based guidelines) and amiodarone (n = 6 society-based guidelines). Unlike the risk
               assessment guidelines, 68% (n = 17/25) of the prophylactic recommendations were provided by procedural
               societies.  Between  these  two  procedural  societies,  AATS  &  STS,  though  only  two  were  jointly
               recommended, “Avoid B-blocker withdrawal” and “Magnesium supplementation”.

               Management guidelines were similarly reported (65%; n = 42/64) primarily by procedural societies.
               Agreement was seen broadly among categories used. Eight societies provided guidelines and of these, eight
               provided guidance for anticoagulation, six provided guidance to ensure hemodynamic stability, six provided
               guidance for the sub-group of hemodynamic unstable POAF patients, five for all POAF patients, five for
               rhythm control POAF patients, and two for rate control POAF patients. These categories once expanded
               upon [Table 6] showed 58 recommendations of which only five were used by more than one society (n =
               5/58; 8%).

               This literature review summarized the guidelines and guideline key references evaluated. The purpose of
               this review was to describe the current POAF landscape. Through careful examination of definitions, risks,
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