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Page 6 of 15                   Dokko et al. Vessel Plus 2022;6:53

               Table 2. Descriptive table of r-SAVR and ViV TAVR patients’ baseline characteristics, risk factors, and comorbidities by POAF/AFL
                                                 r-SAVR                             ViV-TAVR
                                                       No        P-                        No       P-
                Variable          Total       POAF/AFL           value Total      POAF/AFL
                                                       POAF/AFL                            POAF/AFL value*
                Patients’ characteristics
                Type of admission                                0.34                               0.92
                      Elective    82.99%      79.31%   85.39%         72.63%      73.17%   72.22%
                      Urgent      17.01%      20.69%   14.61%         27.37%      26.83%   27.78%
                Gender                                           0.07                               0.31
                      Female      36.05%      44.83%   30.34%         45.26%      51.22%   40.74%
                      Male        63.95%      55.17%   69.66%         54.74%      48.78%   59.26%
                Age (years)       61.82 ± 13.91  69.71 ± 11.09 56.69 ± 13.19 < 0.01  74.00 ± 11.57  74.61 ± 9.65 73.54 ± 12.91  0.64
                Race                                             0.11
                      Black       7.48%       12.07%   4.49%          4.21%       4.88%    3.70%    1.00
                      Other       92.52%      87.93%   95.51%         95.79%      95.12%   96.30%
                Ethnicity                                        0.48                               0.58
                      Hispanic    5.44%       3.45%    6.74%          3.16%       4.88%    1.85%
                      Other/unknown  94.56%   96.55%   93.26%         96.84%      95.12%   98.15%
                Insurance                                        < 0.01                             1.00
                      Commercial   45.58%     29.31%   56.18%         22.11%      21.95%   22.22%
                      Medicaid/Other   4.08%   0.00%   6.74%          1.05%       0.00%    1.85%
                      Medicare    50.34%      70.69%   37.08%         76.84%      78.05%   75.93%
                Tobacco/Smoking   38.10%      37.93%   38.20%    0.97  47.37%     53.66%   42.59%   0.28
                Hypertension      73.47%      75.86%   71.91%    0.60  85.26%     82.93%   87.04%   0.58
                Congestive heart failure  18.37%  25.86%  13.48%  0.06  49.47%    53.66%   46.30%   0.48
                Cardiomyopathy    6.12%       6.90%    5.62%     1.00  13.68%     17.07%   11.11%   0.40
                Diabetes mellitus  4.08%      3.45%    4.49%     1.00  3.16%      2.44%    3.70%    1.00
                Coronary artery disease  28.57%  39.66%  21.35%  0.02  73.68%     80.49%   68.52%   0.19
                Chronic lung disease  23.81%  18.97%   26.97%    0.27  3.16%      2.44%    3.70%    1.00
                COPD              7.48%       6.90%    7.87%     1.00  8.42%      12.20%   5.56%    0.52
                History of stroke  6.80%      8.62%    5.62%     0.48  1.05%      2.44%    0.00%    0.28
                Stroke            8.84%       10.34%   7.87%     0.60  11.58%     19.51%   5.56%    0.05
                Carotid disease   0.68%       0.00%    1.12%     1.00  4.21%      7.32%    1.85%    0.31
                Carotid stenosis  0.68%       0.00%    1.12%     1.00  3.16%      4.88%    1.85%    0.56
                Cerebral vascular disease  13.61%  17.24%  11.24%  0.30  20.00%   31.71%   11.11%   0.01
                Peripheral vascular disease  2.72%  3.45%  2.25%  1.00  9.47%     9.76%    9.26%    1.00
                History of MI     2.72%       6.90%    0.00%     0.02  11.58%     14.63%   9.26%    0.42
                MI                6.80%       6.90%    6.74%     1.00  17.89%     21.95%   14.81%   0.37
                Depression        7.48%       5.17%    8.99%     0.52  11.58%     12.20%   11.11%   0.87
                Bipolar disorder  2.04%       3.45%    1.12%     0.56  -          -        -        -
                Schizophrenia     -           -        -         -    1.05%       0.00%    1.85%    1.00
                Dementia          -           -        -         -    5.26%       7.32%    3.70%    0.65
                Bicuspid aortic valve  1.36%  0.00%    2.25%     0.52  -          -        -        -
                Dyspnea           2.72%       3.45%    2.25%     1.00  4.21%      4.88%    3.70%    1.00
                Chest pain        3.40%       5.17%    2.25%     0.38  2.11%      4.88%    0.00%    0.1900
                Dialysis          2.04%       5.17%    0.00%     0.06  5.26%      4.88%    5.56%    1.0000
                Hyperlipidemia    49.66%      58.62%   43.82%    0.08  68.42%     70.73%   66.67%   0.67
                Presence of prosthetic heart  12.93%  13.79%  12.36%  0.80  9.47%  9.76%   9.26%    1.00
                Abdominal aortic aneurysm  2.72%  3.45%  2.25%   1.00  1.05%      0.00%    1.85%    1.00
                Non-rheumatic aortic   61.90%  55.17%  66.29%    0.17  66.32%     70.73%   62.96%   0.43
                Rheumatic heart disease  4.76%  8.62%  2.25%     0.12  9.47%      9.76%    9.26%    1.00
                Obstructive sleep apnea  9.52%  0.00%  15.73%    < 0.01  6.32%    2.44%    9.26%    0.24
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