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Antwi-Adjei et al. Vessel Plus 2021;5:35  Page 3 of 10

               (FRY and FRYL) have been implicated in several processes , including tubulogenesis in the kidney [35,36] , but
               have not yet been linked to vascular biology.

               Wings. Young adult flies (newly eclosed up to 1 day old) were anesthetized on CO  pads and then
               transferred into 100% ethanol in glass dissection dishes. Using microdissection spring scissors and Dumont
               forceps (Fine Science Tools, Foster, CA, USA), the wings were clipped off at their attachment site. Wings
               were transferred to a drop of Euparal (BioQuip, 6372A), and a coverslip was applied. Weights were placed
               on the coverslip to flatten the specimens, and slides were allowed to dry at room temperature for 1 day or
               more before imaging. Images were captured at the wing margin and just distal to the cross-vein connecting
               wing vein 3 and 4. For ccm3 mosaic wings, virgin FRT ccm3/TM6B flies were crossed with y, w, hsFLP ;
               FRT  males, and the progeny (embryos and larvae) were subjected to heat shocks (38.5 °C) for 1-2 h
               starting at 6 h after egg lay (a.e.l.). Heat shocks were repeated every day through the end of the 3rd larval
               instar. Heat shock induction of Flipase (FLP), a site-specific recombinase, resulted in mitotic recombination
               between the homologous chromosomes at a centromere proximal FLP Recombinase Target (FRT) site
               (FRT ). As a consequence, genetic mosaic animals were produced with most cells being heterozygous, but
               with clones of homozyougs wild type and homozygous mutant cells. Mosaic adults were easily recognized
               by eye color mosaicism, as well as by an unevenness of the wing surfaces (mosaic wings appeared somewhat
               crinkled rather than the wild type flat appearance that characterized the wings of their TM6B siblings). For
               GckIII T167A  wing analysis, the wing specific nubGAL4 driver flies were crossed to the UAS-GckIII T167A F2  flies
               (dominant negative, non-phosphorylatable GCKIII ).

               Mosaic analysis of larval trachea. To test the cell autonomous requirement for furry and Mo25 in tracheal
               cells we generated genetic mosaic animals using FLP-FRT approaches [37,38] . The alleles fry , fry  and fry
               were gifts from Dr. Sally Horne-Badovinac and encode truncated Fry proteins (Q1008term, W394term and
               G666term, respectively). The fry  allele  carries a 1 bp deletion causing a frame-shift after aa 403. Lastly, the
               fry  allele comes from an EMS/X-ray screen for modifiers of sinaGMR.PN eye phenotype . Except for
               fry , all fry alleles were induced on chromosomes carrying FRT . For these alleles, mosaic larvae were
               generated using the MARCM strategy. For fry , we generated recombinant chromosomes carrying both
               the fry mutation and FRT , and generated mosaic larvae using a MARCM-related approach we had
               previously developed, substituting a GFP RNAi transgene for the Tubulin-GAL80 transgene. For Mo25, the
               D8-2 allele was used . Except for analysis of fry , virgins of the genotype y, w, hsFLP122; btl-GAL4, UAS-
               GFP, UAS-DsRED2nls; Tub-GAL80 FRT80B were crossed to males carrying fry mutant alleles on FRT80B
               chromosomes in trans to TM3Sb, Twist>GFP. For the fry  analysis, virgins of the genotype y, w, hsFLP122;
               btlGAL4, UAS-GFP, UAS-DsRED2nls; UAS-GFP RNAi FRT2A were crossed to males of the genotype fry
               FRT2A/TM3, Sb. Crosses were established with 40 virgins and 20-40 males. After 4 h at 25 °C, adults were
               transferred to fresh vials, and the 0-4 h a.e.l. embryos were subjected to 45-60 min heat shock. The embryos
               were then cultured for an additional 5 days at 25 °C and analyzed at the third larval instar. Mosaic larvae
               were identified based on the presence of individual GFP expressing cells in the tracheal system (marking the
               homozygous mutant clones). The mosaic larvae were then heat killed (~10 s at 70 °C) in a drop of 50%
               glycerol on a slide; a cover slip was added and fluorescent microscopy was used to identify mosaic animals.
               Mutant terminal cells were analyzed by brightfield microscopy to score the presence and shape of gas-filled
               tubes. Cells were also analyzed by fluorescent microscopy, with the black space in GFP labeled cells
               revealing tube lumens, including the lumens of tubes that were not gas-filled (and thus not detectable by
               brightfield microscopy). Larvae were examined using 20× and 40× objectives on a Leica compound
               fluorescent microscope. Z-stacks were captured for each GFP positive terminal cell using Leica software.
               Unidentified images were then scored independently for the presence of transition zone tube dilations and
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