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Page 10 of 11        Perezgrovas-Olaria et al. Vessel Plus 2023;7:10

               This study must be interpreted considering its limitations. This is an observational study and lacks the rigor
               of a randomized controlled trial. Additionally, this represents the experience of a single high-volume aortic
               center. Moreover, thromboembolic and hemorrhagic events, as well as echocardiographic data, are not
               collected in our database and could not be included in the present analysis. On the other hand, prospective
               data collection in our institutional database and a large population are strengths of the present study.

               In Conclusion, The Bentall-De Bono operation can be performed with consistently good results in
               experienced centers. Early outcomes are excellent regardless of the valve choice. In our study, the Bentall-De
               Bono operation with bCVG was associated with lower 10-year mortality but carried a higher risk of aortic
               reoperation. While the risk of reoperation is largely tied to valve choice, survival is more likely to be
               influenced by patient comorbidities and risk factors.

               Authors’ contributions
               Conception of the manuscript: Gaudino M, Lau G, Girardi LN
               Data extraction: Cancelli G, Yaghmour M, Polk H, Closkey B, Wright J
               Writing the first draft of manuscript: Perezgrovas-Olaria R, Soletti G Jr, Harik L, Dimagli A
               Statistical analysis: Rahouma M, Dimagli A
               Writing and Revision of the main manuscript: All authors.

               Availability of data and materials
               Deidentified data collected for the study will be made available by the corresponding author upon
               reasonable request after publication.

               Financial support and sponsorship
               Cancelli G. is supported by the Enrico ed Enrica Sovena Foundation, Italy.

               Conflicts of interest
               All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.

               Ethical approval and consent to participate
               This analysis was approved by the Weill Cornell Institutional Review Board (#1607017424, January 9, 2022)
               in New York. The need for individual consent was waived.

               Consent for publication
               Written informed consent for inclusion in our institutional database and subsequent publication was
               provided by all the patients in this analysis. No personal identifying information for any patient is provided
               in this work.

               © The Author(s) 2023.

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