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Page 8 of 11         Perezgrovas-Olaria et al. Vessel Plus 2023;7:10

               Table 4. Multivariable analysis for associations with follow-up mortality and reoperation
                                                     Follow-up mortality        Reoperation
                Variable                             Hazard ratio (95%CI), P-value  Hazard ratio (95%CI), P-value
                Age                                  1.06 [1.04; 1.08], P < 0.001  0.96 [0.94; 0.98], P < 0.001
                Male sex                             0.68 [0.42; 1.11], P = 0.12  0.45 [0.22; 0.94], P = 0.03
                Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  1.63 [1.01; 2.64], P = 0.04  0.84 [0.11; 6.35], P = 0.87
                Diabetes                             0.95 [0.52; 1.73], P = 0.86  1.26 [0.30; 5.32], P = 0.76
                Urgent/emergent procedure            1.21 [0.80; 1.81], P = 0.37  0.85 [0.29; 2.52], P = 0.77
                Preoperative renal dysfunction       3.08 [1.98; 4.78], P < 0.001  0.81 [0.11; 6.18], P = 0.84
                NYHA Class III/IV                    1.48 [1.04; 2.10], P = 0.03  1.20 [0.57; 2.52], P = 0.63
                Connective tissue disorders          1.34 [0.72; 2.50], P = 0.36  0.37 [0.09; 1.46], P = 0.15
                Valve replacement type (mCVG vs. bCVG)  2.15 [1.42; 3.26], P < 0.001  0.02 [0.01; 0.10], P < 0.001

               bCVG: Biological composite valve graft; CI: confidence interval; mCVG: mechanical composite valve graft; NYHA: New York Heart Association.

               Table 5. Comparison of baseline characteristics among matched groups
                                                bCVG                 mCVG
                Variable                                                                 SMD     P -value
                                                (n  = 263)           (n  = 263)
                Age (years), median [IQR]       54.00 [46.00, 62.00]  55.00 [45.5, 62.00]  0.04  0.68
                Family history of aortic disease  17 (6.5)           15 (5.7)            0.03    0.86
                Hypertension                    216 (82.1)           224 (85.2)          0.08    0.41
                Diabetes                        15 (5.7)             15 (5.7)            < 0.001  0.99
                Connective tissue disease       20 (7.6)             23 (8.7)            0.04    0.75
                Previous open-heart surgery     65 (24.7)            62 (23.6)           0.03    0.84
                Previous revascularization      12 (4.6)             10 (3.8)            0.04    0.83
                NYHA Class III/IV               67 (25.5)            67 (25.5)           < 0.001  0.99
                Dissection at presentation      34 (12.9)            39 (14.8)           0.06    0.61
                Urgent/emergent procedure       57 (21.7)            61 (23.2)           0.04    0.75
                Aneurysm size (cm), median [IQR]  5.60 [5.30, 6.05]  5.70 [5.40, 6.25]   0.09    0.16
               Variables are presented as frequency count and percentage, unless otherwise noted. bCVG: Biological composite valve graft; IQR: interquartile
               range; mCVG: mechanical composite valve graft; NYHA: New York Heart Association; SMD: standardized mean difference.

               Table 6. Postoperative outcomes among matched groups
                                                       bCVG              mCVG
                Variable                               (n  = 263)        (n  = 263)        P -value
                In-hospital events
                Operative mortality                    0                 4 (1.5)           0.13
                Major adverse events                   16 (6.1)          13 (4.9)          0.70
                Myocardial infarction                  1 (0.4)           0                 0.99
                Cerebrovascular accident               0                 2 (0.8)           0.48
                Dialysis                               2 (0.8)           1 (0.4)           0.99
                Tracheostomy                           2 (0.8)           2 (0.8)           0.99
                Re-exploration for bleeding            13 (4.9)          7 (2.7)           0.25
                Follow-up events
                Mortality                              22 (8.4)          51 (19.4)         < 0.001
                Reoperation                            23 (8.7)          1 (0.4)           < 0.001
               Variables are presented as count (%).  Major adverse events include operative mortality, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, dialysis,
               tracheostomy, and re-exploration for bleeding.  P-value was calculated using Fine and Grey method (competing risk). bCVG: Biological composite
               valve graft; mCVG: mechanical composite valve graft; SMD: standardized mean difference.
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59