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Page 10 of 15       Pintos-Morell et al. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2024;3:12

                X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets  PHEX          Phosphate supplementation, active vit D, Burosumab
                                                                 (monoclonal Ab)
                Hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria SLC34A3  Phosphate supplement, active vit D
                Hypophosphatasia             ALPL                Tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNSALP) ERT -
                                                                 asfotase alfa, avoid bisphosphonates
                Congenital serine biosynthesis defects  PHGDH    Serine, glycine
                Cerebral folate transport deficiency  FOLR1      Folinic acid

               This list is not intended to be a comprehensive list of treatable IMDs but just a useful indicator. The degree of evidence of the treatments is
               variable and may be mutation- or patient-specific. ERT: Enzyme replacement therapy; SRT: substrate reduction therapy; PCT: pharmacological
               chaperone therapy; BMT:  bone  marrow  transplant;  HSCT:  hematopoietic  stem  cell  transplantation;  MCT:  medium-chain  triglycerides;
               IV:  intravenous;  IM: intramuscular;  IGF-I:  insulin  growth  factor-I;  GLP-I:  glucagon-like  peptide-1  receptor;  mTOR:  mammalian  target  of
               rapamycin inhibitors.  indicate list of lysosomal disorders that are presently best screened by MS/MS-based enzyme assay followed by genetic
               confirmation; */** indicate the relationship of the disease or the gene with the correspondent treatment.

               As illustrated in the first part of this review, the analytical and clinical validity, sensitivity, and specificity of
               genome sequencing have not been extensively examined in a screening context. It is imperative to take into
               account that the primary beneficiaries of NBS are healthy newborns, thus emphasizing the paramount
               importance of ensuring the integrity and safety of screening methodologies to safeguard this vulnerable
               population .

               Table 3 highlights several practical hurdles that need to be considered and some possibilities to address
               these challenges.

               Two main paths can be envisioned for the evolution and progress of NBS for IMDs: the first could be a
               progressive and prudent transition, including a consistent period of co-existence and thorough cross-
               checking of metabolomics and NGS methodologies, from a biochemical profile to genomic confirmation up
               to therapy, with progressive side-by-side support of conventional NBS and genomics. The traditional Bio-
               NBS can yield false-positive or false-negative results and is affected by biochemical substrate-level
               fluctuations. The genomic DNA extracted from dried blood spots can be used for NGS, generating reliable
               sequencing results, and NGS may function as a second-tier diagnostic test for NBS in samples with
               abnormal MS/MS results. Most centers use a multigene panel, comprising a library of genes related to the
               IMDs, for NBS. Genetic testing as the second tier is more or less replacing the present clinical situation
               toward the screening system. We would like to emphasize that using biochemical and genomic NBS in
               parallel may increase the sensitivity of the screening and more newborns may be identified, decreasing the
               number of false positives.

               The second path could include genomics as the first-tier test and biochemistry/metabolomics as diagnostic
               confirmation of the disease before starting treatment. However, gNBS is currently used as the first-tier test
               only for those disorders not included in the Bio-NBS because of the lack of a reliable biomarker.

               The primary objective of NBS is to diagnose pediatric diseases for which effective therapeutic interventions
               exist, thereby mitigating symptom onset or progression and improving patient prognosis, quality of life, and
               familial well-being. These interventions aim to avert irreversible damage, including severe physical and
               cognitive impairments and, in extreme cases, mortality [41-43] .

               Today, besides endocrine disorders (CH, CAH), hemoglobinopathies, SCID, and Cystic Fibrosis, most NBS
               programs detect treatable IMDs that are identifiable in the first days of life, mainly with mass
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