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Page 6 of 15        Pintos-Morell et al. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2024;3:12

                3-methyl crotonyl CoA   MCCC1/MCC2  IV glucose during acute episodes, avoid fasting,  X  X  X
                carboxylase (MCC)               carnitine, protein-restricted diet
                Propionic acidemia (PA)  PCCA, PCCB  Diet, carnitine, biotin, metronidazole, liver   X  X  X
                                                transplantation, N-carbamylglutamate
                MCAD medium-chain acyl-CoA  ACADM  Avoid fasting              X        X            X
                dehydrogenase (MCAD )
                VLCAD very-long-chain acyl-  ACADVL  Avoid fasting, carnitine, restrict LCFA,   X  X  X
                CoA dehydrogenase deficiency    bezafibrate, triheptanoin
                long-chain 3-OH acyl-CoA   HADHA, HADHB IV glucose during acute episodes, avoid fasting,  X  X  X
                dehydrogenase deficiency        carnitine, restrict LCFA, bezafibrate, MCT,
                (LCHAD)                         triheptanoin
                mitochondrial trifunctional
                protein (TFP) deficiency
                carnitine palmitoyl-1 transferase  CPT1A  Avoid fasting, low-fat and high-carbohydrate   X  X  X
                (CPT-1) deficiency              diet, MCT, triheptanoin
                carnitine palmitoyl-2   CPT2    Bezafibrate, high-carbohydrate and low-fat diet,  X  X
                transferase (CPT-2) deficiency  carnitine, MCT, triheptanoin
                carnitine-acylcarnitine   SLC25A20  High-carbohydrate and low-fat diet, MCT,   X    X
                translocase (CACT) deficiency   frequent feeds, carnitine, avoid fasting,
                short-chain acyl-CoA   ACADS    As most individuals are asymptomatic, there is  X   X
                dehydrogenase (SCAD)            no need for treatment but careful follow-up
                Isobutyrylglycinuria  ACAD8     As most individuals are asymptomatic, there is  X
                                                no need for treatment but careful follow-up
                multiple acyl-CoA   ETFDH       Riboflavin, carnitine, glycine, Coenzyme Q10   X    X
                dehydrogenase deficiency        supplementation, fat restriction, avoidance of
                (MADD)                          fasting, and a diet rich in carbohydrates
                CUD/CTD (carnitine   SLC25A20   High-carbohydrate and low-fat diet, medium   X      X
                uptake/carnitine transporter    chain triglycerides, frequent feeds, carnitine,
                deficiency)                     avoid fasting, triheptanoin
                X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy  ABCD1  HSCT, BMT, gene therapy (elivaldogene)  Pilot  X  Pilot
                Cystic Fibrosis (CF)  CFTR      Ivacaftor, tezacaftor, lumacaftor, pancreatic   X  X  X
                                                enzyme, inhaled antibiotics, dornase alfa
                Mucopolysaccharidosis type 1   IDUA  ERT: laronidase, BMT, HSCT        X            Regional
                Pompe disease (GSD II)  GAA     ERTs: avalglucosidase alfa and alglucosidase        Regional
                Fabry disease       GLA         ERTs: agalsidase alfa, agalsidase beta,             Regional
                                                pegunigalsidase alpha PCT: migalastat
                Gaucher disease     GBA         ERTs: imiglucerase; velaglucerase alfa; and         Regional
                                                taliglucerase alfa.
                                                SRT: miglustat, eliglustat.
                                                PCT: Ambroxol
                Metachromatic leukodystrophy  ARSA  HSCT - BMT, atidarsagene autotemcel             Regional
                (MLD)                           (Libmeldy)

               NBS in Spain is very heterogeneous among the autonomous communities and cities. In this table, the case of Andalucía, one of the most
               populated regions of Spain and the site where one of the authors (RY) is responsible for the NBS, is presented as representative of the different
               communities of Spain. X: condition included. For Italy, X means performed in all regions of the country. Regional: only in some regions of the
               country. Pilot: still under evaluation. National NBS in Italy includes 48 conditions by law; national NBS in Spain includes a minimum core of
               7 diseases, but a variable expanded NBS is in place in most of the regions, such as Andalucía (35 conditions). In Netherlands, the NBS screening
               program is standardized across the whole country. ERT: Enzyme replacement therapy; SRT: substrate reduction therapy; PCT: pharmacological
               chaperone therapy; BMT: bone marrow transplant; HSCT: hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; MCT: medium-chain triglycerides; LCFA: long-
               chain fatty acids; IV: intravenous; IM: intramuscular.

               only in exceptional circumstances, within 72 h, while in other countries, the regular post or regular post
               with extra care and velocity, called medical post, is being used.
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