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Page 6 of 15 Corthouts et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2020;7:46 I
Figure 1. Flow chart showing the number of records identified and removed at each stage of the review. SNA: sella-nasion-A-point angle
Study characteristics
Most studies included in this review (73%) were published after 2010 [6,12-18] [Table 2]. Six studies were
conducted in Asia (55%) and 5 were conducted in Europe (45%). The variety of treatment protocols that
were administered in the different studies in the articles, as well as whether or not presurgical orthopedics
was performed, is shown in Table 2. Sample sizes consisted of 10 subjects to 128 subjects . Seven articles
included a healthy, noncleft control group in their study [10,11,13-17] . The authors used a variety of surgical
techniques. Regarding cheiloplasty, the following techniques were used: (modified) Millard rotation-
advancement technique [9-12,15,16] , triangular technique (by Tennison with modifications) [9,11,13,18] and modified
Delaire technique . Three articles did not specify the technique used for lip repair [6,14,17] . Concerning
closure of the palate several techniques are listed, which can be categorized as follows: (modified) von
Langenbeck [9,12,13] , pushback palatoplasty , cranial or caudally pedicled vomer flap [9,12-14,18] , intravelar
veloplasty , modified Pigott technique and two-flap palatoplasty [14-16] . Khanna et al. provided no
description of the technique used for palate repair.
Three different surgical techniques were described for alveolar cleft closure: gingivoperiosteoplasty [11,12] ,
primary bone grafting and secondary bone grafting [11,12,16,18] . Three studies declared that the patients in
the samples had not undergone bone grafting surgery [9,10,17] , whereas three studies had no information on
whether or not bone grafting surgery had been done [6,13,15] .
The mean age at the time of surgical repair in patients with repaired UCLP varied according to the surgical
protocol: lip repair before 15 weeks until 2 years ; soft palate closure from 4 months to 5 years ; hard
palate closure from 3 months to 4 years and alveolar cleft repair from 6 months to 11 years [12,16] .
In 3 studies, the surgical protocol consisted of the primary one-stage surgery of UCLP: simultaneous repair