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Page 6 of 8                                           Bizic et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2020;7:43  I

               Figure 4. Appearance at the end of surgery. Neophallic skin is reconstructed using available skin from the labia minora and dorsal clitoral
               skin. Two testicular silicone prostheses are inserted into the scrotum created from the labia majora. Drain is placed in the vaginal vault

               Table 1. Postoperative outcomes after metoidioplasty
                                          Follow-  Aesthetic   Voiding   Erogenous   Sexual   Urethral  Urethral
                                    No. of   up           while                   Complications
               Author/year                      satisfaction     sensation  intercourse      fistula  stricture
                                   patients (years,   (%)  standing   (%)  (%)       (%)      (%)    (%)
                                          mean)            (%)
               Perovic and Djordjevic [24]    22  3.9  77.3  NA   NA      NA       22.7       13.6   9
               Hage and van Turnhout [23]    70  8  75.7   NA     NA      NA       88.6       37.1   35.7
               Takamatsu and Harashina [27]    43  0.6  88.4  67.4  100   2.3      34.9       27.9   7
               Djordjevic et al. [30]  2009  38  2.2  100  100    100     36.8     39.5       5.3    0
               Djordjevic and Bizic [29]  2013  207  5.3  100  91.8  100  NA       47.8       7.7    2.9
               Vukadinovic et al. [16]  2014  97  2.5  95.9  100  100     20.6     27.8       6.2    2.1
               Stojanovic et al. [34]  2017  79  3.7  96.2  100   100     69.6     25.3       5.1    3.8
               Bizic et al.  2019†   793   NA     94.7     100    100     100      46.8       8.8    1.4
               van de Grift et al. [18]  2019  38*  2.7  68  NA   36      63.5     NA         NA     NA
               *Twenty-nine patients received phalloplasty and nine patients received metoidioplasty; †Personal experience in review study. NA: not

               conservatively and spontaneously, while 29.1% of our patients required surgical repair because of major
               complications . The majority of patients undergoing metoidioplasty, up to 88% or more according to
               recent reports, are satisfied with the appearance of their genitals [5,9,26] . Voiding in standing position was
               possible for the vast majority of patients in recent studies, up to 93.2% (range 67.4%-100%). Recent studies
               confirmed increased positive association among gender affirmation, body satisfaction, and sexual outcomes
               after the performed GAS, which was reported for 63.5% of the patients undergoing metoidioplasty. It may
               be associated to completely preserved erogenous sensation of the neophallus, which is more prominent.
               Patients after metoidioplasty report sexual intercourse in a broader sense than just penetration, with
               increased sexual initiative and pleasure . Metoidioplasty, as a one-stage genital gender affirmation surgery,
               brings about 40% overall complication rate, the most common complications being related to urethral
               reconstruction. Urethral fistulae are more common than urethral strictures, and most heal spontaneously
               [Table 1]. However, between 1% and 24% of patients who have undergone metoidioplasty decide to pursue
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