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Kumar et al. Reverse latissimus dorsi muscle flap for back
not have the mopping qualities of the muscle. We can Concept design: K.M. Kumar
deepithelialise the skin flaps and use it to obliterate Literature search: K.M. Kumar
the dead space. This may lead to the development of Case material’s provide: K.M. Kumar, S.K. Shivalingappa
epithelial cysts. Söyüncü et al. have used latissimus
dorsi muscle flap along with omentum with a view that Financial support and sponsorship
layered closure would decrease chances of CSF leak None.
in recurrent cases of CSF leak.
Conflicts of interest
Free flaps are an option, however the recipient vessels
are deep and hard to find. The vessels which could There are no conflicts of interest.
be harvested as recipient are the superior gluteal
vessels, inferior gluteal vessels, and intercostal Patient consent
vessels, perforators from the deep femoral system, [15] Obtained.
superficial femoral trunk, and thoracodorsal vessels.
The other possible methods of obtaining a recipient Ethics approval
are using an interposition vein graft between the Obtained.
distant vessels to the donor vessels, [16] or a carrier
vessel may be used and flap transferred in stages. REFERENCES
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80 Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ May 26, 2017