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Kumar et al.                                                                                                                                                           Reverse latissimus dorsi muscle flap for back

           Figure 3: Case 1. Myelomeneingocle defect, after release of   Figure 4: Case 3. Reverse latissimus dorsi muscle flap and gluteus
           teethered cords                                    muscle flap to cover the myelomeningocele defect

           The skin adjacent to the defect was advanced to close   cancer excision and 3 patients had myelomeningocele
           the defect. She developed CSF leak manifesting as   correction. Four patients underwent  turnover of
           swelling in the operated site and also excess drainage   the  reverse  latissimus  dorsi  flap  and  1  patient  had
           collection. She was reexplored to correct the  CSF   transposition  of  the  reverse  latissimus  dorsi  flap.
           leak. The dura was reinforced with sutures and glue.   All  4  reverse  latissimus  dorsi  turnover  muscle  flap
           The reverse latissimus dorsi turnover flaps were used   were  done  by a single  surgeon  and  the reverse
           to  cover  this  complicated  myelomeningocele  defect.   latissimus dorsi muscle transposition flap was done by
           Here, the distal end of the latissimus dorsi flap was not   another  surgeon.  Four patients  had advancement  of
           showing adequate vascularity and was debrided. This   fasciocutaneous flaps over the muscle flap; 1 patient
           flap was able to cover only the upper two thirds of the   had a split thickness skin graft over the muscle.
           defect.  A  contralateral  gluteus  maximus  muscle  flap
           was advanced to the lower part of the defect [Figure 4].   The indications for the use of a muscle flap in these
           The skin was advanced to cover the defect. The wound   cases were CSF leak, sinus, wound dehiscence, need
           healed well with no complications.                 for vascular cover over the implants, obliteration of the
                                                              dead space, and to reconstruct the chest wall defect.
                                                              Two patients had prior surgery within a week before
           A total of 5 patients  [Table  1] were  treated with a   the reverse latissimus dorsi flap was used to cover the
           reverse  latissimus  dorsi  flap  for  various  defects  of   defect. Three patients had not undergone prior surgery.
           the back. Among these 5 patients, 2 were male and 3
           were female. Three patients aged below 2 years and 2   In case 3, the distal muscle did not look healthy; hence
           patients aged 55 years and 60 years. Two patients had   the  contralateral  gluteus  maximus  flap  was  raised

           Table 1: All the cases included in the study
                 Age/                                                       Muscle flap used and  Complications after
            No.  gender   Diagnosis            Indication        Defect size  movement of flap   the surgery
            1   9 days/   Lumbosacral   Associated with hydrocephalus,   10 cm × 8 cm  RLDMF turnover  Skin edge necrosis
                 male   myelomeningocele  had a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt,   lumbosacral    of 1 cm, was allowed
                                        high suspicion of chance of CSF   defect              to heal by secondary
                                          leak from the dural patch                               intention
            2     14      Lumbosacral   Operated 4 days before, developed  12 cm × 5 cm  RLDMF turnover  Nil
                months/  myelomeningocele       CSF leak         lumbosacral
                 male                                              defect
            3     12      Lumbosacral    Operated 1 week before and    14 cm × 6 cm   RLDMF turnover and   Nil
                months/  myelomeningocele   developed CSF leak   lumbosacral      GMMF
                female                                             defect
            4  55 years/  Recurrent sacral   Cross linking of left and right iliac  15 cm × 20 cm  RLDMF turnover and   Nil
                female  chordoma of sacral  bones with the lumbar bones using  lumbosacral   FCRF
                       and lumbar vertebrae  pedicle screws after sacrectomy  defect
            5  61 years/  Spindle cell tumor   Excision included posterior chest  12 cm × 10 cm  RLDMF transposition  Excision margins were
                female  of lung and lower   wall and lower lobe of lung  thoracic defect     positive for malignancy
                        posterior chest wall                                                  and patient declined
                                                                                               further intervention
           CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; RLDMF: reverse latissimus dorsi muscle flap; GMMF: gluteus maximus muscle flap; FCRF: fasciocuatneous
           rotation flap
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