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Pérez et al.                                                                                                                                                        End-to-side neurorrhaphy for early reinnervation

                                                              performed. Muscle cross sections were 60 nm thick,
                                                              and viewed with uranyl acetate and lead citrate contrast
                                                              (Reynolds, 1963) (EM 109 Carl Zeiss). Observations
                                                              and diameter measurements were made with an
                                                              Axioscop 2  plus  microscope (Carl Zeiss)  connected
                                                              to a system of image analysis. Axiovision 4.0 software
                                                              was used. All axons on the edges of the cut specimens
                                                              were excluded from the count.

                                                              Statistical analysis  was  performed  using  analysis  of
                                                              variance  (ANOVA),  and  an  averages  comparative
                                                              analysis  (Tukey’s  method)  using  Micro  Cal  Origin
           Figure 2: Zones used for microscopic analysis (tibial, peroneal   software.
           and graft). Optical lenses original magnification ×400
           entrance to the muscle. The injury was repaired with
           an EEN in group 1. In group 2, an ESN was performed   Muscle/nerve  morphology, and thickness of
           from the tibial to the peroneal  nerve. In group 3, a   the myelin band
           direct EEN plus an ESN neurorrhaphy from the donor   The morphology of nerves and muscles was different
           nerve (tibial) was used. In both groups 2 and 3, a nerve   in all groups.  Three morphological  conditions  were
           graft to bridge the gap between the tibial and peroneal   found: normal in group 0; regeneration in groups 1, 2,
           nerves was used. In group 4, only a neurotomy was   and 3; and degeneration in groups 1, 2, and 4.
           performed without reconstruction [Figure 1].
                                                              The peripheral region of the nerve displayed large
           Morphological analysis                             amounts  of  connective  and  fatty  tissue.  In  group  0,
           Ninety  days after neurotomy  and  repair, the animals   the myelinated axons were situated in a semi-circular
           were  sacrificed  with  an  anesthetic  overdose.  Nerve   form, arranged one after another [Figure 3A]; myelin
           fragments from several  zones, as well  as the     band thickness ranged from 80 to 470 nm, with
           corresponding  muscles,  were  identified  and  marked   the  diameter  of  the  fiber  directly  proportional  to  the
           (z1 to z9) [Figure 2]. These were fixed in a combination   thickness of the myelin band [Figure 4A]. In group 3,
           of 4% paraformaldehyde and 2.5% glutaraldehyde in   the  main  types  of  fibers  were  regenerative  with  a
           a saline phosphate buffer solution (0.1 mol/L, pH 7.4).   well-defined myelin band, with irregular and grouped
                                                              dispositions [Figure 3B]. Abundant connective tissue
           Following  fixation  they  were  treated  with  2%  OsO ,   was found among these groups. The thickness of the
           dehydrated  with ethanol  in increasing  graduation,   myelin band varied according to the diameter of the
           and  finally  placed  in  epoxic  resin  (Epon).  Axonal   fiber  and  ranged  from  40  to  280  nm  [Figure 4B]. In
           diameter and myelin density were determined in 1-mm   groups 1 and 2, small regenerative axon fibers were
           cross sections dyed with toluidine blue in zones 1 to   found together with lost myelin architecture or only the
           9. Axon and muscle ultrastructural analysis was also

                                                              A               B                C
            A              B               C
                                                              Figure 4: Micrography of myelinated axons. A: Group 0, axons with
           Figure 3: Peroneal nerve cross section in zone 9. A: Group 0,   great diameter with a thick myelin band. A: normal muscle appareance;
           myelinated axons; B: group 3, axonal groups in regenerative process;   M: normal pattern; Am: intersticium; C: disorganization level; B: group
           their size and form are variable, with zones of disorganized myelin   3, axons organized in small groups showing regenerative process;
           (arrows); C: axons in degenerative process were predominant in   C: group 4, disorganized myelin and some myelin remains. Arrows:
           group 4. Bar = 25 mm                               striated pattern lost and myofibril remains. Bar = 1 mm
            20                                                                                     Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ February 22, 2017
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