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Pérez et al.                                                                                                                                                        End-to-side neurorrhaphy for early reinnervation

           INTRODUCTION                                       The current study was conducted to  evaluate the
                                                              provision  of early muscular reinnervation  to avoid
           End-to-end neurorrhaphy  (EEN) is the conventional   muscle atrophy and function loss.
           reconstructive method for patients with peripheral
           nerve injuries. In some cases, as in patients with   METHODS
           complex  upper extremity trauma and/or extensive
           oncologic  resections, an end-to-side  neurorrhaphy   From January 2008 to November 2008, fifty male adult
           (ESN) is considered to be a good alternative for neural   Wistar rats were used for study. Their weight ranged
           reconstruction. [1-3]  However, this technique (ESN) has   from 350 to 400 g and they were divided into 5 groups
           been abandoned  by some surgeons secondary to      of 10 rats each. Before and after surgery, the animals
           discouraging functional outcomes. [4-6]  Viterbo et al. [7,8]    were housed  in plastic boxes, with a 12-h light/dark
           has stated that ESN from a “healthy” nerve can “bridge”   cycle, and were given free access to food and water.
           a neurological deficit, and indeed the outcomes from
           this type of surgery are better than those obtained from   The measured criteria included anatomic changes of
           end-to-end  coaptation. End-to-side  nerve  coaptation   the  leg,  difficulty  with  ambulation,  and  microscopic
           has also been used for patients with unilateral facial   neural and muscle morphology of the implied nerves
           paralysis with good results. [9,10]  There are experimental   and muscles. All the study rats were analyzed 90 days
           models in which the orbicularis occuli muscle has been   after the procedure.
           re-innervated with this technique. [11]
                                                              The rats were anesthetized  with an intraperitoneal
           Patients with upper extremity proximal  nerve      injection of a 1:10 pentobarbital solution (60 mg/mL) at
           injuries  may require  more than one year to achieve   a conventional dosage. During the procedure, a dose
           reinnervation in the distal extremity (during this time,   of 0.1-0.2 mL of the same solution was administered
           axonal growth takes place). However, full reinnervation   as needed.  The procedure  was performed  on the
           does not imply full recovery given  the risk of often   peroneal and tibial nerves of the right lower extremity.
           irreversible and uncorrectable muscle contracture and   In group 0, nerves were dissected and exposed without
           joint stiffness. In clinical studies, ESN has proven its   sectioning.  In the remaining  groups, a neurotomy of
           usefulness by improving sensation alone. [6]       the peroneal nerve was made 20 mm proximal to its

           Figure 1: Surgical procedures. G1: Group 1PN neurotomy and repair with EEN; G2: group 2, ESN without end-to-end repair; G3: group
           3, both EEN and ESN using a nerve graft; G4: group 4, no repair done. EEN: end-to-end neurorrhaphy; ESN: end-to-side neurorrhaphy;
           PN: peroneal nerve; TN: tibial nerve. Optical lenses original magnification ×400
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ February 22, 2017                   19
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