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Fariña et al. Skeletal anchorage for rigid external distractor
means that the line of action of the force vector is direct Financial support and sponsorship
as there is no intermediary device to reduce the force. None.
As Figueroa and Polley discuss, the wire splint of
RED I, which has an extraoral wire and traction hooks, Conflicts of interest
has some flexibility, which allows the distraction wire
force to accumulate and then be liberated gradually. In The authors have no commercial or financial
associations that might create a conflict of interest with
other words, once the screw is activated, the distraction the information presented in this manuscript.
effect is not immediate, but as the wire recovers its
shape it becomes a continuous tension. [3,11,19] We Patient consent
believe the mechanism described by the authors is
not ideal because the wire undergoes elastic deformity All patients signed an informed consent letter before
that prevents the applied force from being transferred participating in the study.
in its entirety to the bone being distracted. [11,12]
Ethics approval
SARED is more comfortable than the intraoral splint This study was approved by ethical board of Hospital
anchorage, because it does not interfere with the del Salvador.
functions of the oral cavity. It allows uninterrupted
eating because there is no device, wires or splints REFERENCES
inside the mouth. Patients can, therefore, brush their
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148 Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ September 05, 2017