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Table 3: Wound etiology in patients (n = 66)     separate wounds, requiring two separate wound VACs.
             Wound etiology                 Number of patients  In total, NPWT was used 74 times in 66 patients.
             Trauma                                2
             Wound dehiscence                      2          Wound etiology is presented in Table 3. Fifty-six patients
             Post-surgical                         56         had surgically-created wounds. Two patients had
             Skin infection                        1          traumatic wounds. Two patients had wound dehiscence
             Pressure sore                         1          requiring NPWT. One patient had pressure ulcer. There
             Sickle-cell/vascular disease          1
             Cutaneous acute lymphoblastic leukemia  1        was one case of sickle-cell induced avascular skin
             Purpura fulminans                     1          necrosis. One case of cutaneous acute lymphoblastic
             Extravasation injury                  1          leukemia resulted in full thickness skin loss. One patient
                                                              with osteosarcoma who was treated with methotrexate
             Table 4: Indication for negative pressure wound   developed a case of purpura fulminans that required
             therapy (n = 66)                                 debridement and NPWT. One wound resulted after
             Indication                  Number of patients   debridement of a cutaneous infection. There was one
             Local wound care                   44            wound that resulted after an extravasation injury. Three
             Skin graft/Integra fixation        11            patients had amputations that required NPWT; 2 of them
             Brachytherapy                      1             for open wounds and 1 for an incisional wound. NPWT
             Support of primarily-closed incision  10         was applied immediately in the event of surgically-
                                                              created wounds, and it was delayed for a range of 1 to
             Table 5: Anatomic location of wounds, and exposed   21 days in the remaining patients.
             structures at wound base (wounds = 74)
                                         Number of wounds     NPWT indication is shown on Table 4. NPWT was used
             Wound location                                   for local wound care in 44 patients, skin graft and/or
              Head and neck                     4             integra fixation in 10 patients, local wound care in the
              Trunk                             13            setting of brachytherapy in one patient, and incisional
              Upper extremity                   10            support in 11 patients. With respect to incisional
              Lower extremity                   47            NPWT, 4 patients had previous external beam radiation
             Exposed structures                               therapy, and 2 patients had previous brachytherapy.
              Bone                              11            There were 10 extremity wounds and 1 scalp wound
              Fascia                            4
              Tendon                            7             that utilized incisional NPWT. All wounds were healed
              Nerve                             3             without complications at the time incisional NPWT was
              Endoprosthesis                    2             discontinued (5-7 days postoperatively).
              Skin (incisional wound VAC)       11
              Muscle or fat                     36            Table 5 shows the anatomic distribution of wound NPWT
            VAC: vacuum-assisted closure                      usage. NPWT was used in the head and head/neck in
                                                              three patients, trunk in 13 patients, upper extremity in
             Table 6: Outcomes of negative pressure wound     10 patients, and lower extremity in 40 patients. Eleven
             therapy utilization (n = 66)                     wounds had bone exposure in the wound bed; four had
                                          Number of patients  exposure of fascia; seven had tendon exposure; three
             Mechanism of closure in healed   (n = 60)        had nerve exposure; and two patients had exposure of
              Secondary intention               47            their endoprostheses. The remaining had either skin,
              Skin graft/Integra                 6            fat, or muscle exposed.
              Local flap/tissue closure          4
              Delayed primary closure            3            The respective wounds ultimately healed in 60 patients
             Characteristics of non-healing    (n = 6)        [Table 6]. Wounds healed by secondary intention in 47
             wounds                                           patients, skin grafting in four patients, adjacent tissue
              Wound recurrence                   2            transfer in three patients, split-thickness skin graft (STSG)
              Died of primary disease before     1            and Integra in two patients, local flap in one patient, and
              wound closure                                   delayed primary closure in three patients. Wounds failed
              Died of necrotizing fasciitis      1            to heal in 2 patients who had recurrence of their wound
              Amputation                         2
                                                              at last follow up, in 1 patient who died of necrotizing
            had NPWT therapy twice: once before reconstruction   fasciitis, in 1 patient who died of primary disease, and
            and again for skin graft fixation. One patient had NPWT   in 2 of the 3 patients who required amputation. No
                                                              patients required free flap to reconstruct their wound.
            applied three times: first, for local wound care; second,
            for fixation of integra dermal regeneration template   At the time of their last follow-ups, 2 patients had died
            (Integra Life Sciences, Plainsborough, New Jersey, USA);   of their primary disease. One patient died secondary
            and third, for skin graft fixation. Three patients had two   to necrotizing fasciitis. One patient had a below-knee
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