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INTRODUCTION                                       Table 1: Patient and wound characteristics at
                                                               baseline (n = 66)
            Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has fundamentally   Patient characteristics
            changed complex wound management, such that it is now   Age at NPWT application, median (range) 13 years (10 months-18
            considered an independent rung on the “reconstructive                                 years)
            ladder.” [1-4]  NPWT therapy has been studied extensively   Gender              31 females; 35 males
            in adults, where it has found applications in chronic   Body mass index (kg/m ), median (range)  21.5 (14.1-45.9)
            wounds, open abdominal wounds, and open fractures,   Serum albumin (g/dL), median (range)  4.2 (2.5-4.8)
                                                               Patients using NPWT during chemotherapy
            amongst others. [5-8]  Recent studies have showed   Patients receiving chemotherapy    56
            that outcomes in the pediatric population are often   Patients receiving radiation     24
            equivalent to those reported in adults. [9-12]  However, no   Wound size (cm ), median (range)  27 (4-250)
            large studies have examined the use of NPWT in the   Time until wound closure (days),   21 (3-236)
            pediatric oncology population, a group which is unique   median (range)
            given the frequent utilization of extensive surgery,
            systemic chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and (in some   Duration of wound NPWT (days),   21 (3-236)
            cases) stem cell transplantation. [13]  In this study, we   median (range)
            reviewed our single-center experience with NPWT in   NPWT: negative pressure wound therapy
            pediatric oncology patients and reported our outcomes
            with respect to efficacy, safety, and technical innovation   Table 2: Pathologic diagnosis of primary tumors
            in wound treatment.                                Primary disease                Number of patients
                                                               Osteosarcoma                         30
                                                               Ewing sarcoma                         6
            METHODS                                            Retinoblastoma                        2
                                                               Acute lymphoblastic leukemia          6
            Records of patients treated with NPWT at a single   Acute myeloid leukemia               2
            center between April 2005 and September 2013 were   Adrenocortical carcinoma             1
            reviewed. Approval for the study was obtained from the   Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans  1
            institutional review board of the respective institution.   Epitheloid sarcoma           1
            Patient data included demographics, diagnosis, and   Glioma                              1
            duration of NPWT, adjunctive treatment, wound size,   Hodgkins lymphoma                  1 2
            definitive wound closure technique, complications,   Malignant fibrous histiocytoma      1
            chemotherapy, radiation, recurrent disease, and general   Malignant peripeheral nerve sheath tumor  2
            outcomes.                                          Soft tissue high grade polyphenotypic sarcoma  1
                                                               Rabdomyosarcoma                       1
            All NPWT systems used in this study were designed   Sickle cell anemia                   1
            and manufactured by Kinetic Concepts, Incorporated   Synovial sarcoma                    5
            (KCI Inc, San Antonio, TX, USA). The device includes a   Malignant teratoma of the sacral bone  1
            vacuum-assisted cosure  (VAC) dressing (wound VAC ®   Thalamic glioblastoma              1
            dressing), consisting of a polyurethane or polyvinyl
            sponge placed directly over a wound site. The sponge   Our sample had 35 males to 31 females. The median body
            is then sealed with plastic tape and connected to a   mass index (BMI) was 21.5 kg/m  (range, 14.1-45.9 kg/m ).
            negative pressure device with a tube. The vacuum   Only 5 patients had serum albumin less than 3.4 mg/L,
            pump in the device creates a sub-atmospheric negative   and only 1 patient had serum albumin less than 3.1 mg/L. There
            pressure in the wound bed, and it is reported to   was no association between serum albumin level and
            reduce edema, increase local blood supply, increase   adverse events (P > 0.05). Wounds were primary wounds
            the formation of granulation tissue, reduce bacterial   in 62 patients, and recurrent in 4 patients.
            colonization, improve patient tolerance, and accelerate
            wound healing overall. [14,15]                    Patient primary diagnoses are reported in Table 2.
                                                              Fifty-six patients received chemotherapy at some point
            RESULTS                                           during their cancer therapy, and 22 of these patients
                                                              had wounds requiring NPWT during chemotherapy. In
            Between April 2005 and September 2013, a total of   these latter patients, NPWT was used for a range of
            66 patients were identified for study inclusion. Seven   21-206 days. Twenty-four patients received radiation
            patients required multiple wound VAC, or a wound   therapy at some point during their cancer treatment.
            VAC at multiple times, for a total number of 74 wounds   Of these patients, the radiation dose was administered
            treated with NPWT. Patient and wound characteristics at   to the site of the wound in all but nine cases.
            baseline are reported in Table 1. The median patient age
            was 13 years, with a range of 10 months to 18 years.   NPWT was used in total of 66 patients. Three patients
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