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extremity.  The intermittent  negative  pressure regimen   pathophysiological event in diabetes.  It is well
          used in LAD has been shown to be an economical and   known that MDA from lipid peroxidation reacts with
          effective alternative in treating traumatic wounds. [28,29]  DNA bases and induces mutagenic lesions.  In the
                                                              present study, after 10  days of therapy, the mean
          Evidence shows that increased oxidative  stress causes   level of MDA  (± SD) was significantly less in the LAD
          delayed wound healing in diabetics with altered     group  than  in  the  conventional  dressing  group  (LAD
          antioxidant enzyme  activities.  Various studies [31,32]  have   vs. conventional  =  6.8  ±  2.3  vs. 10.4  ±  3.4 nmol/mg
          shown a significant reduction in collagen content in the   protein, P = 0.024).
          granulation tissue of diabetic animals. The authors of
          these  studies  have proposed that the  decreased collagen   In conclusion, LAD (intermittent NPWT and moist wound
          levels seen in diabetic wounds are likely in response to   dressing)  exerts  a beneficial  effect on diabetic  wound
          an altered extracellular environment  (i.e.  hyperglycemia,   healing  as  seen  by  a  significant  increase  in  the  levels
          persistent inflammation, excess H O  and free radical   hydroxyproline, total protein, NO, antioxidants, a decrease
          production, and low levels  of antioxidants).  Collagen   in MMP‑2 and MMP‑9, and oxidative biomarkers (MDA) as
          is the major component of extracellular tissue  which   compared to conventional dressings.
          provides support and strength. It is measured by    The use of intermittent  NPWT using  LAD may  be an
          monitoring  the  concentration  of  hydroxyproline,  that   effective  alternative  therapy  used to achieve  faster
          is, synthesized by fibroblasts  and is vulnerable to the   granulation of the wound bed in diabetic ulcers.
          effects of free radicals. In the present study, after 10 days
          of therapy, the mean level of hydroxyproline  (± SD)   Financial support and sponsorship
          was  significantly  higher  in  the  LAD  group as  compared   Nil.
          to  that  of the  conventional dressing  group (LAD  vs.   Conflicts of interest
          conventional = 55.2 ± 25.1 vs. 29.2 ± 13.5 µg/mg of dry   There are no conflicts of interest.
          weight of tissue, P = 0.000). The concentration of protein
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