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to the muscle for maintenance of muscle health while   proteins, including growth factors and adhesion
          the  proximal  motor  nerve  is  regenerating. [9‑11]   A  donor   molecules, to create a growth‑rich milieu.  In addition,
          sensory nerve is thought to provide trophic support to the   native endoneurial conduits  guide the reestablishment
          denervated muscle until the native motor axon is able to   of neuromuscular connections.  Research shows  that
          regenerate and reinnervate its target.  In essence, sensory   preservation of the  original  motor endplates is  essential
          protection  provides  an  interim  protective  effect  on  the   for precise contact, synaptic differentiation,  and
          denervated muscle prior to surgical nerve reconstruction.  maintenance of reestablished neural connections. [20,21]  This
                                                              growth‑supportive environment is significantly diminished
          We  performed  an  extensive  literature  search  using   if reinnervation does not occur  in a timely manner.
          PubMed,  Ovid,  and Embase  databases using  keywords   Although the exact timeframe is debatable, Sulaiman and
          “sensory”, “nerve”, “protection”, “regeneration”, and   Gordon  proposed  a 4‑week window  for nerve repair,
          “denervation”  to  find  primary  articles  reporting  on  the   after which the motor neuron has diminished ability to
          treatment and outcomes of the sensory protection either   regenerate axons into the distal nerve stump.
          in humans or animal models. This paper  discusses the
          three main approaches to sensory protection and reviews   Both time and distance limit spontaneous reinnervation
          the  literature  for  each.  We  set  the  framework for future   of muscles. When immediate nerve reconstruction is
          studies  and advocate for further  investigation  of sensory   not possible, sensory protection is the most effective
          protection in the upper extremities.                means of providing temporary trophic  support  to
                                                              prevent muscle degeneration. The three surgical
          MUSCLE DENERVATION AND                              techniques  for sensory protection include:  (1) end‑to‑end
          REINNERVATION                                       neurorrhaphy, (2) end‑to‑side neurorrhaphy, and (3) direct
                                                              muscle neurotization. Nerve transfers with end‑to‑end
                                                              neurorrhaphy or end‑to‑side neurorrhaphy are the most
          Nerve injury and muscle denervation                 commonly used approaches for sensory protection.
          The peripheral nervous system has a remarkable capacity   End‑to‑end  neurorrhaphy joins  the  ends  of  a  transected
          for regeneration following nerve injury. When a peripheral   motor nerve and sensory nerve while end‑to‑side
          nerve is severed, it undergoes Wallerian degeneration and   neurorrhaphy connects the  end of a transected donor
          triggers a cascade of biochemical changes allowing future   sensory  nerve  to  the  side  of  the  injured  motor  nerve
          regrowth. Muscle fibers maintain  viability  immediately   stump. Neurotization, the third and  least favored
          following denervation, however, atrophic  changes such   approach, is the direct implantation of a divided sensory
          as reabsorption of myofibrils,  shrinkage  of muscle  cells,   nerve into the belly of a denervated muscle. Figure  1
          and expansion of the extracellular matrix  with collagen   illustrates each technique.
          rapidly commence following denervation.  Proteases play
          a role by  promoting  axonal degeneration,  macrophage   SENSORY PROTECTION ‑ THREE
          infiltration, and myelin degradation in damaged nerves. [14]
          Without  prompt  reinnervation,  myofibril  disorganization,
          and later mosaic disappearance marks imminent  muscle   End‑to‑end neurorrhaphy
          fiber cell death.  Prolonged denervation leads to muscle   End‑to‑end  neurorrhaphy  is  the  classic  approach  for
          fiber necrosis, connective tissue hyperplasia, decreased   sensory protection. Bain et al.  demonstrated the positive
          vascularity,  and  depletion of satellite  cells needed for   effects  of  sensory  protection  on  the  architecture  and
          regeneration. [4,9,16]  Further, denervated muscles become
          less receptive to regenerating motor axons due to the
          loss of neurotransmitters, neurotrophic factors, and viable
          muscle cells. [2,17]  These structural changes significantly
          impact the  muscle’s contractile  properties.  The decrease
          in  cross‑sectional area of muscle fibers  translates to a
          reduction in maximum tension generated by tetanic muscle
          contractions. Later on, myofibril disorganization and
          collagenization diminishes  specific force capacity  (force   a                b
          per physiological cross sectional unit  of muscle). From  a
          functional perspective,  maximum  tension,  specific force,
          and power all progressively decrease with time. [13]
          Nerve regeneration and muscle recovery
          Regenerative  processes  occur  synchronously  with
          degradative mechanisms  to ensure  maximal  recovery.
          Axonal regeneration occurs  at a rate of 1 mm/day and   c                      d
          is  affected by  age,  nerve  type,  and grade  of  injury.    Figure 1:  Schematic representation  of surgical methods for sensory
          Recovery involves axonal growth, synapse formation, and   protection.  (a) Transected  nerve,  denervated muscle  without  sensory
          restoration of contractile properties.  Schwann cells play   protection; (b) sensory  protection  by  end‑to‑end  neurorrhaphy;
                                                              (c) sensory protection by  end‑to‑side neurorrhaphy; (d) sensory
          an  essential  role  in  regrowth by  increasing  regenerative   protection by direct muscle neurotization
          Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 2 || Issue 4 || Jul 15, 2015                                             203
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