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More  researches  are  needed  to  elucidate  the  exact   the endoneurial sheath produce key components that
          mechanism of sensory protection and compare its     promote  growth  (e.g.  collagen,  fibronectins,  and laminin)
          functional outcomes with mixed protection. Goals for   and provide  a  substrate  for  reinnervation. [16,41‑43]   Impaired
          future studies include comparing differences in Schwann   reinnervation translates into reduced capacity to generate
          cell phenotype and neurotrophic expression between   force. [44]
          sensory protection and mixed protection. While mixed   Recent neurotization experiments using animal models
          protection appears more advantageous compared to    have been  more  promising.  Wang  et  al.  demonstrated
          sensory protection, the need to sacrifice innervation to   that  implantation  of either  a  sensory  nerve  or
          a donor muscle to harvest mixed nerve may preclude its   preganglionically avulsed sensory nerve could  slow
          use clinically.                                     muscle atrophy. Compared to unprotected controls, the
          Side‑to‑side neurorrhaphy                           implantation  groups demonstrated  higher  fibrillation
          As an extension of end‑to‑side neurorrhaphy, researchers   potential, muscle weight, cross sectional area, and protein
          have also examined the efficacy of performing side‑to‑side   content at one and three months after neurotization.
          neurorrhaphy.  The technique  involves joining  the  side  of   In parallel experiments,  Ochi  et  al. [45,46]  showed that
          an intact donor nerve with the side of an injured nerve   joining the isografted dorsal root ganglia to the common
          using a nerve “bridge” composed of either  synthetic   peroneal nerve  stump  also mitigated  muscle  atrophy.
          conduit or autologous graft. The few basic science   Microscopy  demonstrated sensory neuron survival and
          and  clinical  studies investigating this technique have   growth of fine axonal branches into the muscle. Although
          yielded mixed results. Experimentally, Shea  et  al.    the sensory axons did not reinnervate motor endplates,
          demonstrated the benefits  of side‑to‑side neurorrhaphy   the neurotized group showed functional advantages
          using  a synthetic collagen bridge  to connect a healthy   over unprotected controls with higher twitch tension
          peroneal nerve with a transected tibial nerve in a   and tetanic contraction. Similar to other techniques,  the
          rodent  model.  The  investigators  noted  superior muscle   protective  effect of neurotization  is  attributed  to trophic
          preservation  (higher  muscle  weight  and less  histologic   factors derived from or stimulated by the sensory nerve.
          evidence of muscle damage) and improved functional   Compared  to  neurorrhaphy,  however,  the  structural and
          outcome  (gait assessment)  in their  side‑to‑side nerve   functional results of direct muscle neurotization remain
          bridge group compared to denervated controls. However,   inferior.
          no  rats  in  the  experimental  group showed  axonal   Clinically, neurotization has limited  applicability for
          regeneration  along the  length  of the  entire  conduit.   patients with multiple denervated muscles, including
          Clinically,  Magdi Sherif  and Amr  showed the  potential   those with proximal median or ulnar nerve injuries.  For
          effectiveness of using autologous nerve graft bridges   example, with proximal  median nerve transection, over
          between median and ulnar nerve fascicles at the wrist   ten muscles in the arm may be affected. Each denervated
          in  patients with high  median or ulnar nerve injuries.   muscle  would require  implantation  with  a separate
          However, this was a small case series without rigorous   sensory nerve, rendering this approach impractical. Thus,
          outcome measures making it difficult to definitively state   direct muscle neurotization is only appropriate for a
          that this technique is clinically efficacious.      selective group of patients.

          Although the  process of axonal repopulation and
          end‑organ reinnervation is  similar  between  end‑to‑side   FUTURE DIRECTIONS
          and side‑to‑side neurorrhaphy, the efficacy of side‑to‑side
          neurorrhaphy is  less.  Without  donor axon, disruption   To date, the outcomes of peripheral nerve manipulations
          and injury to the recipient nerve, the neurotrophic   such as end‑to‑end and end‑to‑side neurorrhaphy have
          signals stimulating Schwann cell  proliferation and   primarily been assessed using histomorphometric analysis.
          axonal sprouting  through  nerve  bridges  are  substantially   Inferences about functional recovery have been  made
          diminished. [33,36,37]  As a result, few axons are available   using anatomic measurements such as axonal density and
          downstream  for reinnervation or to provide trophic   myelin  thickness. However, anatomic proxies  for nerve
          factors. Thus, compared to other techniques, side‑to‑side   regeneration  offer little information about functional
          neurorrhaphy is a relatively inefficient  technique for   recovery.  For years,  muscle contractile properties,
          nerve reconstruction, and it does not result in clinically   such  as  twitch  force,  tetanic  force,  peak‑to‑peak tension,
          significant  functional recovery or offer sufficient   and contractile  velocity  have  been  used  to  evaluate  the
          “protection” from muscle atrophy.                   degree  to which motor axons reestablish  their  functional
                                                              connections with muscle. Further studies measuring
          Direct muscle neurotization                         contractile properties as they relate to sensory protection
          Neurotization showed limited success in early human   would provide a more direct measure of muscle integrity
          studies. [38,39]  Poor outcomes are in part due to the failure   and nerve regeneration. In addition, when compared with
          to form new  neuromuscular junctions.  Specifically,   supra‑physiological measures like tetanic force, functional
          directly implanting  a sensory nerve into muscle forces   outcomes such as grip strength, ambulation biomechanics,
          axonal regeneration to occur outside of native endoneurial   and upper  extremity  performance tests  provide clinically
          conduits. The endoneurial conduit is important in   relevant  information  about  the  extent  and quality  of
          regeneration because Schwann cells and  basal lamina of   muscle reinnervation.

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