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In this  case the  AIN needs to be  traced proximally  in
          order to reach comfortably the motor branch to the
          supinator. [15,41,42]

          Schematic description: the AIN is identified in the
          forearm. A lazy‑S incision is made over the volar aspect of
          the mid‑forearm, and the lacertus fibrosus is divided. The
          tendon of the superficial part of the PT is lengthened to
          allow the muscle to be retracted, and the median nerve
          exposed. The AIN  lies  on the radial side  of the  median
          nerve and does not always course as a distinct fascicle.
          A  longitudinal vessel  often  demarcates it  from  the  rest
          of  the  median  nerve.  Once  isolated,  it  should be  traced
          proximally  to obtain  enough length  for a tension‑free
          suture. The motor branch  to the ECRB is then identified
          under the brachioradialis muscle, coursing close to the
          sensory branch of the radial nerve. This is  followed as
          distal as possible and then rotated toward the AIN. In case
          of a size mismatch, the radial nerve is isolated proximally
          in order to include the motor branch to the supinator,
          which in turn will reach the  AIN if appropriate proximal
          dissection is completed.
          In  the  event  of  isolated  AIN  palsy,  an  intra‑median  nerve
          transfer can be considered with redirection of branches to
          the FDS or PL/FCR to the AIN.                       Figure 4: Sensory median nerve deficit. Transfer of the sensory branches
                                                              from the ulnar nerve to the fourth web space to the sensory branches
                                                              of the first web space
          In lower brachial plexus injuries where both the median
          and ulnar nerve have been compromised, the AIN can be
          reinnervated by using the branch to brachialis muscle    ULNAR NERVE DEFICITS
          or the branch to the brachioradialis muscle,  after both
          the  donor  and  recipient  are  isolated  for the  necessary   Indications
          length at the elbow or a slightly proximal level.   High‑level nerve injuries lead to the loss of both grip and
                                                              pinch strength in the hand, and  sensation in the little
          Sensory nerve transfers                             finger and the ulnar side of the ring finger. Even following
          Priority  is  given  to  the  ulnar side  of the  thumb  and the   an early repair it is difficult to obtain a functional
          radial side of the index finger in order to re‑establish   re‑innervation  of the  intrinsic  musculature,  a fact which
          functional  pinch and grip. Several donors  can be   caused some  authors  to  question  the  utility  of surgical
          considered depending upon their availability. The first   intervention at the site  of lesion. [48‑51]  Tendon transfers
          choice includes the digital nerves to the fourth web space,   can avoid chronic deformities, but do not always allow
          innervated by the ulnar nerve  [Figure 4]. An alternative   fluid motion and  adequate strength. Alternatively, the
          is the dorsal sensory branch from the radial nerve to the   median nerve can provide motor and  sensory branches
          thumb. [45,46]  Finally, as illustrated by Ross et al.  in upper   in  the  forearm  and hand that compensate for the  ulnar
          plexus lesions, the sensory components to the third web   nerve deficiency. [52‑55]  In the event of a combined ulnar
          space come from a distinct fascicle, which can be isolated   and median nerve injury, motor branches from the radial
          proximally in the median nerve and utilized as a donor to   nerve are selected as donor axons.
          the thumb and index finger.
          Schematic description                               If the median nerve is intact, the distal part of the AIN
          A carpal tunnel incision  is  made and prolonged distally   can re‑innervate the distal motor component of the
          in a zig‑zag fashion toward both the first and the fourth   ulnar nerve  [Figures  5‑7]. Brown  et  al.  performed the
          interdigital  spaces. Deep to the  superficial arterial arch   first case in 1991 and since then several authors have
          and the digital arteries, the common digital nerves to   described successful results. Recently, Sukegawa  et  al.
          the ulnar side of the ring finger and the radial side of the   provided technical clarification regarding identification and
          little finger are isolated, traced proximally, and divided   separation of the motor branch of the ulnar nerve, the
          as distally as possible. The digital nerves to the first   number of fascicles in the AIN and the motor ulnar nerve,
          web  space are  then  identified  and isolated proximally  in   and the shortest path required for the AIN to reach its
          order to obtain enough length to be sutured to the donor   recipient target. The motor component of the ulnar nerve
          nerves.  The remainder of the  sensory  median  nerve  can   can be reached through a Taleisnik incision  which extends
          then be divided proximally and coupled in an end‑to‑side   from the interthenar region proximal to the distal forearm.
          fashion  to  the  ulnar digital  nerve  of  the  5th  finger  in   First, the ulnar nerve is isolated at the Guyon’s canal and
          order to restore protective sensation.              the  motor  branch  is  identified  during  its  course  toward

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