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Eftekari et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2022;9:43  Page 9 of 13

               In a retrospective review of 90 patients, RPNI surgery has shown a significant decrease in symptomatic
               neuroma pain (0% vs. 13.3%) when done prophylactically at the time of amputation compared to simple
               neuroma excision with burial in muscle . Moreover, these data also support an overall significant decrease
               in phantom limb pain (51.1% vs. 91.1%) and post-operative complication rate (31.1% vs. 55.6%) at 1year
               follow-up . Although RPNI surgery has shown positive results in both animal studies and clinical trials,
               drawbacks of this approach include an increased operative time by 8-12 min per muscle graft, as well as the
               possibility of hematoma formation at the muscle tissue harvest site . Further longitudinal studies will allow
               for a more complete understanding of the long-term benefits and consequences RPNI may have for
               symptomatic neuroma formation as well as control of neural prosthetics.

               Unlike the TMR and RPNI approaches, an intraosseous (IO) transposition relocates a transected nerve into
               bone rather than muscle. This approach was first reported in 1943 when a transected nerve was buried into
               the spongy bone and thus protected from external stimuli by the encasing bone . More recently, this
               technique was again reported as a viable methodology for the treatment of symptomatic neuromas
               transposing nerves into the medullary cavity of long bones . Creating a transposition into the medullary
               cavity of a long bone instead of spongy bone affords a much larger and protected space for the residual
               nerve and also allows for larger nerves to be transposed. This technique has also recently been shown as a
               methodology for neural interfacing by utilizing an electrode interface on the residual nerve placed within
               the medullary canal . This technology - the Osseointegrated Neural Interface (ONI) - provides a stable
               platform that is bimodal, including the treatment and prevention of amputation pain and the creation of a
               neural interface for prosthesis control [Figure 7] .
               The IO transposition approach begins in the same fashion as the previous techniques, with isolation and
               resection of the symptomatic neuroma and proximal transection of the involved nerve. Next, the underlying
               bone is identified, and a cortical surface is cleared for creating a corticotomy. The nerve is then passed into
               the canal and the perineurium is secured to the periosteum with a small diameter nylon suture before
               closing the incision site [Figure 8].

               Clinical studies of IO transposition into spongy bone without ONI have shown a 70% success rate in
               patients with symptomatic neuromas of the hand . IO transpositions have also been used in patients with
               hand neuromas who have failed their first attempt at surgical intervention, with a case report of 11 patients
               reporting a success rate after repeat surgery in 10 of the patients with a mean follow-up of 25 months .
               Although intraosseous transpositions have shown high rates of success in burying in bone, this approach
               has been limited to use mainly within the hand and is not without complications. Common complications,
               including missing branches of a transected nerve, and the possibility of the buried nerve being pulled out of
               the bone and back into the environment, lead to exacerbation of symptoms and the need for repeat
               surgery . Conversely, IO transposition into the medullary cavity of long bones has shown excellent results,
               with two case studies involving a tibial nerve implanted into the tibia and a sciatic nerve implanted into the
               femur showing complete resolution of the patients’ debilitating pain . However, this approach is novel and
               has not been tested extensively in larger clinical trials. Further investigation of this method is needed to
               better understand the long-term sequelae and recurrence of symptomatic neuroma formation.

               IO transposition with ONI is currently in preclinical trials, with the first ONI completed involving a
               rabbit  for proof of concept and a follow-up study showing efficacy using a more complex sieve
               electrode . Although this stable and more complex interface has shown promise, further animal studies are
               needed to assess the efficacy of the IO transposition with ONI in creating stable, high-fidelity interfaces.
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