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carefully analyzed according to eligibility criteria for future   Subsequently, a comprehensive and careful reading of the
         data extraction. From each study included in the review the   full-text of selected articles was carried out (6  articles).
         following information was extracted: first author, year of   Finally, only 4 articles were included for final data extraction
         publication, study design, demographic data (age-range),   [Figure  1]. Due the  heterogeneity  of analyzed studies  a
         number of subjects, tumor type, tumor site, tumor stage,   qualitative synthesis of the data was performed.
         margin identification, resection margin, surgical instrument
         used  for resection,  measuring  instrument,  pre-resection   Study characteristics
         measurement,  measuring  time  pre-post  resection,  mean   The characteristics of the studies included in this review
         shrinkage pre-post resection, measurement  by stage and   are showed in Tables 1 and 2. One prospective study, one
         measurement by site.                                retrospective study and other two articles without a clear
                                                             definition of the type of study design were included. The
         RESULTS                                             number of participants in the studies ranged from 35 to 95,
                                                             and the average age was 59.32 years.
         Literature search                                   Three articles studied the discrepancy between  “in
         The initial search strategy yielded a total of 107 articles from   situ” margins and “histopathologic” margins in patients
         Pubmed database, 9 articles obtained from related citations   underwent surgery for oral SCC, while one study analyzed
         of Pubmed and 287 articles from hand- searching. In the first   the effect of tissue shrinkage on surgical margins of resection
         step, titles and abstracts of articles obtained in the strategy   in patients operated for lip SCC. In all analyzed studies, the
         search were reviewed for elimination of irrelevant articles   appropriate surgical margin of resection was defined as that
         (376 articles). In the second step, those articles related with   margin located 1 cm from the tumor border; likewise, the
         PICO question were analyzed for eligibility  (27  articles).   resection margin was identified by mean of marking ink in

         Figure 1: Flow chart (screening and selection process) used for the articles included in this review
         152                                                                     Plast Aesthet Res || Volume 3 || May 25, 2016
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