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           INTRODUCTION                                        The population, intervention,  control and outcomes
                                                               (PICO) question that guided this review was as follows: is the
           According to the last report of World Health Organization   effect of tissue shrinkage phenomenon a factor to take into
           in 2014, cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx constitute,   account in the surgical treatment of oral and oropharyngeal
           in combination,  the seventh  most common cancer in the   squamous cell carcinoma?
           world and the ninth most common cause of death by cancer.
           Its annual incidence is estimated about 529,000 new cases/  Search strategy
           year.  Two-thirds of theses cases are described in developing   A combination of controlled terms  Medical Subjects
           countries.  The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), with a high   Headings  (MeSH) and keywords were  used as  strategy  of
           morbidity and  mortality, constitutes the most common   search. The search terms used, where “[mh]” represented the
           entity  in the upper aerodigestive tract in approximately   MeSH terms and “[tiab]” represented title and/or abstract,
           90% of cases. Its survival rate at 5 years, for most countries,   were: “carcinoma, squamous cell” [MeSH Terms] OR “mouth
           is around 50%. Numerous clinical  and histopathologic   neoplasms” [MeSH Terms] OR “oropharynx neoplasm”
           factors have been considered as prognostic at the SCC. [3,4]    [MeSH  Terms]  OR  “oral cancer” [Title/Abstract] OR  “oral
           Among them, one of the most relevant, with respect to the   neoplasm” [Title/Abstract] OR “oral tumour” [Title/Abstract]
           overall survival and recurrence rate, is the status of surgical   OR  “oropharynx  cancer”  [Title/Abstract]  OR  “oropharynx
           margin of resection free of disease. [5-8]  However, although   tumours” [Title/Abstract] OR  “squamous cell carcinoma”
           one goal in the oncologic surgery is the complete removal   [Title/Abstract]) AND (“tissues” [MeSH Terms] OR “tissues”
           of the tumor with an appropriate margin of security and   [Title/Abstract]  OR  “tissue”  [Title/Abstract]  OR  “margin”
           less aesthetic and functional impact; in the head and neck   [Title/Abstract]  OR  “surgical margin”  [Title/Abstract]  OR
           region, due to its three-dimensional characteristics and the   “resection  margin”  [Title/Abstract]) AND  (shrinkage  [All
           presence of noble structures, the obtaining of appropriate   Fields] OR  “retraction” [Title/Abstract] OR  “shrink”  [Title/
           limits of resection constitutes, on occasions, a real challenge   Abstract].
           for the surgeon. [9,10]
                                                               In addition, to identify supplementary articles, the related
           Nevertheless, since 1978 when Looser et al.  defined the   citations function of Pubmed was used. Likewise, a manual
           term  “positive  surgical margin”,  diverse  concepts such as   search based on an equivalent search strategy to that used in
           “close margins”, “involved margins” or “clear margins”,   the Pubmed was performed. Some of the most relevant head
           among others, have been  introduced in the literature   and neck, oral and maxillofacial and plastic surgery-related
           without a general consensus. [10-13]  In fact, even today, there   journals  were  consulted,  including:  International Journal of
           are no universal guidelines that permit different pathologists   Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery; Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
           to adopt the same histologic criteria regarding to surgical   Surgery;  Journal  of Craniomaxillofacial  Surgery;  Journal  of
           margin. [5,14-17]   This  lack of  agreement  on  what  should   Maxillofacial Surgery; British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
           constitute an “adequate” or “safe” margin of resection [8,18]   Surgery; Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral
           have led to each pathology department to classify surgical   Radiology and Endodontology; Head and Neck; Oral Oncology and
           margins  according  to its  own experience  or internal   Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
           guidelines, thereby hampering the comparison of the results
           obtained in the different studies and its extrapolation to the   Eligibility criteria
           clinical practice.  A recent systematic review concluded that   Articles were included  in this systematic  review if they
           a histopathologic margin of at least 5 mm is the minimum   met the following inclusion criteria: prospective and
           acceptable margin size that should be achieved in any oral   retrospective studies,  cohort,  cross-sectional and case-
           SCC.  Currently,  following  the  surgical standard, it  has   control studies  or human  clinical trials that discussed:
           been established that a macroscopic surgical margin of 1 to   (1)  the phenomenon of retraction or tissue shrinkage on
           2 cm obtained intra-operatively is enough extent to obtain   surgical  margins  of resection;  (2) the  difference  between
           a free-tumor  margin  (5 mm  at present) in the oral cavity   measurements  taken  in  the  operation room and those
           and oropharynx. [3,19-21]  Nevertheless, sometimes it happens   reported  by the pathologist on the surgical specimen; or
           that, despite surgical margins measured by the surgeon   (3) the influence of histopathologic processing on resection
           intra-operatively seem appropriate, a notable discrepancy is   margins of surgical pieces in patients underwent surgery for
           observed when are analyzed by the pathologist under the   oral or oropharyngeal SCC.
           microscope. Faced with this dilemma, a review of the best
           available evidence in the literature regarding to the tissue   On  the  contrary,  single  case reports, animal  or  in vitro
           shrinkage  phenomenon  observed on surgical margins  of   studies, literature reviews, letters, editorial, correspondence
           resection in patients with oral and oropharyngeal SCC was   or those studies in which phenomenon of shrinkage was not
           carried out.                                        centered on surgical margin were excluded.

           METHODS                                             Screening process and data extractions
                                                               The screening  process was conducted by  one reviewer
           An  electronic  literature  search was  conducted by  one   (D.G.B). The titles and abstracts were firstly analyzed.
           reviewer  (D.G.B) in  Pubmed  (Medline) database,  up to   The second step consisted of a selection of those articles
           January 2016. No language or date restrictions were applied.   related with the PICO question. All articles selected were
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