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either. In conclusion, no advantage in combining MF-EBRT   of PORT  in  patients  pN1 with  oral cavity  and oropharynx
         and CMT have been proved so far.                    primaries.  Any firm conclusions could  be drawn due to
                                                             the heterogeneity  of the studies,  although it  was evident
         Target therapy                                      more mortality (not significant) in the group treated with
         EGFR over expression leads to decreased survival and increased   PORT (44% vs. 34%). Shrime  analyzed the benefit of PORT
         risk of local and regional recurrence in head and neck cancer.    in patients with OCSCC pT1-2 pN1. PORT improved OS at 5
         The inhibition of EGFR by monoclonal antibodies (cetuximab)   years [41.4% vs. 54.2% (P < 0.001)] of note PORT improved OS
         associated with EBRT in patients with non-operated AHNC   in T2 tongue and floor of mouth subgroup [52.3% vs. 37.9%
         showed an increase 5-year OS (46% vs. 36%) and LRC (47% vs. 34%)   (P = 0.002) and 39.9% vs. 17.7% (P =0.003), respectively] but
         compared with EBRT alone.  Notably in this trial did not include   not significantly in T1 subgroup.
         patients with OCSCC therefore clinical benefit in this group of
         patients is presently unknown.                      The hypothesis that early nodal metastases may express a more
                                                             aggressive biology supports adjuvant therapy in stage III. [64]
         Nowadays, the standard of treatment for  non-operable
         AHNC,  including OCSCC, is EBRT plus CMT despite the   Risk factors for locoregional recurrence
         fact that its benefit in OS and LRC probability equals of   Extracapsular extension  (ECE) in cervical lymph node
         the hyperfractionated-EBRT. The reasons that have led to   metastases  and the  involvement  of surgical resection
         this situation  are basically  two: (1) logistics, due  to  the   margins (ISRM) are the most important prognostic factors
         consumption of resources and the drawbacks associated   for risk of LRC and death.
         with treating patients twice a day, for 7-8 weeks; and (2) the
         development of high conformation techniques as IMRT, which   RTOG  stratified patients treated with PORT into 3 risk groups
         allow to exploit the different sensitivity to radiation of the tumor   according to the presence of ECE, 2 or more lymph nodes with
         and healthy tissues using a single fraction per day with a shorter   metastasis or ISRM. Group I were those with no more than 2
         overall time of treatment, usually 5-6 weeks.       nodes affected without ECE; group II included patients with more
                                                             than 2 positive lymph nodes or ECE, negative margins; group III
         Postoperative radiation therapy                     comprised patients with ISRM. Significant difference was found
         Adjuvant EBRT                                       in the rate of loco-regional recurrence at 5 years between groups
         The value of postoperative radiotherapy (PORT) for AHNC, was   I, II and III of 17%, 27% and 67% respectively and median OS at 5.6
         established by Fletcher and Evers  and Marcus et al.  in 1970’s.   years, 2 years and 1.5 years, respectively.
         The evidence that proves the usefulness of PORT has been based
         on retrospective studies of large groups of patients. Due to the   Langendijk et al.  conducted a multivariate analysis to define
         inherent bias in such kind of studies the survival benefit of PORT   different prognostic groups based on pathologic features a series
         is not fully confirmed, although there are no doubts about the   of 801 patients with AHNC treated with PORT. The final model
         gain in LRC.                                        identified 6 prognostic factors and grouped the patients into
                                                             3 risk groups [Table 2]. This model was validated by the Dutch
         Lundahl et al.  performed a retrospective, matched-pair analysis   Head  and Neck  Oncology Cooperative  Group  (DHNOCG) in  a
         to  compare surgery alone  vs.  surgery  plus  PORT. They found   multicenter study. [67]
         significant improvement in LRC and OS in the PORT group.
                                                             Nowadays, there is consensus  to identify patients at high
         Lavaf et al.  and Kao et al.  analyzed patients with AHNC   risk of recurrence after surgery who benefit from PORT: (1)
         stage  III-IV  treated  with  surgery  alone or surgery  plus   major criteria: ECC or ISRM; and (2) minor criteria: inadequate
         PORT from Surveillance Epidemiology End Results (SEER)   surgical  margins  (<  5  mm),  ≥  2  lymph  nodes  metastases
         data base.  In  multivariate  analysis  the  survival  benefit  of   (N2b-N3), stage pT3-T4 even with negative margins, in primary
         PORT  vs. surgery alone at 5-year was significant  in both   oral cavity, metastases in levels IV and V, presence of PNI or LVI.
         non-locally  advanced tumors with lymph node metastasis
         (51.6% vs. 40.6%) as in the case of locally advanced tumors   Perineural infiltration
         with lymph node metastasis  (35.3  %  vs. 25.2%).  Overall   One  of  most  controversial  point  is  the value  of  PORT  when
         PORT significantly improved OS by 11% and cancer-specific   there is PNI but the absence of other factors associated with
         survival by 8.6%. They showed a greater reduction in the risk   risk of recurrence. Neither in the analysis of Jonkman et al.
         of death in stage N2b-N3 compared to N1-N2a (HR = 0.62,   or its further validation,  PNI was found to be an independent
         0.78 and 0.82 respectively). The magnitude of the reduction   prognostic factor. Bur et al.  after a systematic review on the
         was larger for tumors of the oropharynx, hypopharynx and   potential benefit of PORT in patients with PNI concluded that
         larynx compared to oral cavity (HR = 0.72, 0.66 and 0.62   there is insufficient evidence to recommend PORT routinely in
         respectively) Patients with lymph node metastasis and any   these cases. The author suggests that in case of infiltration of
         tumor sites, all benefited from the administration of PORT   cranial nerves or multiple PNI, PORT might be justified. PNI is
         although the gain is greater in high-risk disease.  associated with increased risk of nodal recurrence, therefore it is
                                                             recommended to treat the neck in this scenario.
         Whereas  PORT  is  not  routinely  indicated in  patients  with
         HNSCC stage pT1-2 pN1  because there is not definitive   Time factor in PORT
         data supporting that approach. Moergel et al.  published   Evidence exists suggesting that the risk of LRC is higher in
         a  meta-analysis  of  studies  in  order  to  elucidate  the  role   patients with AHNC when receiving PORT more than 6 weeks
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