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from renewable sources and has been  commercially   onset  of the  trial  was  2.9 mm  without  the  presence  of
           available as Sculptra/Fill® (Sanofi Aventis,  Paris,  France).   underlying facial fat. The increases in Cutaneous thickness
           It is injected into either the deep dermis or subcutaneous   increased  at  weeks  6, 24, 48, 72 and 96 to 5.1, 6.4, 7.2,
           layer and immediately fills the space, restoring facial  fat   7.2 and 6.8 mm, respectively. Minimal and localized edema
           loss.   Once  injected,  the  material creates  immediate   was observed in most patients but resolved spontaneously
           volumization secondary to the properties associated with   within 48 h. Fifteen out of fifty patients developed minimal
           the product’s microparticles. [43,44]  However, the volumization   ecchymosis which resolved within 3 days.  Patients were
           effect disappears within a few months as the microparticles   compliant with their injections despite the side effects; the
           degrade and the material is metabolized, resulting in dermal   feasibility of using PLA for facial lipoatrophy treatment was
           fibroplasia.  This degradation results in the formation of   clearly demonstrated. Moyle  et  al.  conducted  an open
           connective tissue or neocollagenesis. [43,45]  It is important to   label study to evaluate the effect of immediate vs. delayed
           understand that PLA is a bio-stimulatory agent which benefits   PLA  injections  for 24 weeks.  Patients  in  the  immediate
           from the host system.  The results associated with this   treatment group received PLA treatments on day 1, as well
           product therefore are not immediate and are instead gradual,   as 2 and 4 weeks after the initial treatment. Patients in the
           lasting for at least 2 years. [45,47]  It is approved in Europe for   delayed treatment group received PLA injections at weeks
           the treatment of scars and wrinkles, and in the United States   12, 14, and 16.  The study was limited to three injections
           for the treatment of facial lipoatrophy in patients diagnosed   per side and found similar improvements in 24 patients by
           with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) lipodystrophy   both subjective assessment and ultrasound.  Interestingly,
           syndrome. The injection technique is of crucial importance   by week 12, patients in the immediate  treatment  group
           given the risk of papule and nodule formation. [43,45,48]  This   scored significantly higher on the visual analogue scale and
           product is  overall very  advantageous  because  it  provides   had lower levels of anxiety than their delayed treatment
           volume restoration while simultaneously increasing  the   counterparts.  Overall, it was concluded that PLA injection
           dermal thickness. [45,47]  Other advantages include  reduced   remained efficacious for more than 18 weeks. [51]
           safety concerns because it provides temporary results, and
           its very good risk-benefit profile in both HIV+ and cosmetic   Although many studies have examined the safety of PLA,
           patients. [42]                                      its use is continually refined. [46-48,51]  While the above studies
                                                               investigated  the optimal treatment  times  and methods
           PLA was first approved for use in Europe in 1999.   of application, additional  studies have been conducted
           Subsequently, many  studies  have been  performed to   regarding injection in the periorbital and perioral regions,
           determine the best method for use and the potential benefits.   the use of conservative injection volumes , and appropriate
           A preclinical study was conducted in 1993 by Gogolewski et al.    dilution volumes. [53,54]
           in which PLA solids were implanted into mice. There were
           no signs of abscess formation, acute inflammatory response,   Calcium hydroxylapatite
           or cytotoxic  effects at the  site  of implantation.  Another   CaHA and its  derivatives  are  naturally found in  human
           study was conducted with  300 patients  who underwent   bone and dental enamel.  Due to the structural similarity
           treatment with PLA between 1999 and 2004. In total, 819   of the CaHA to the mineral portion of bone and its
           injections were administered for treatment of the nasolabial   composition of calcium and phosphate  ions, it is very
           folds, labiomental creases, temples, upper lip, cheeks, chin,   biocompatible and therefore does not require skin testing.
           and marionette  lines. Improvements were noted in most   Radiesse®  (Bioform Medical, Inc.,  San  Mateo,  CA,  USA)
           patients with effects lasting for 12-24 months.  Ten percent   consists of CaHA microspheres suspended in  an aqueous
           of patients who received treatments between 1999 and 2002   carboxymethylcellulose gel carrier and is primarily used
           reported subcutaneous papules, which lasted for 12-24 months   for the correction of moderate to severe wrinkles and folds
           and resolved without further intervention. Papules can also   and volumization of facial soft-tissue.  It is also used for
           be treated with intralesional triamcinolone (10 mg/mL) and/or   correction of facial  lipoatrophy secondary to the human
           intralesional 5-fluorouracil with resolution within 3 months.   immunodeficiency  virus.  The microspheres present  in
           Since 2002,  the reported rate of granuloma formation is   Radiesse® are thought to act as a scaffold for new collagen
           less than 1%. This low rate is attributed to pre-treatment of   formation.  CaHA microspheres (25-45  μm  in diameter)
           PLA with 3 mL of sterile water 36-48 h prior to treatment,   are suspended in  a carboxymethylcellulose gel carrier in
           followed by adding 2 mL of 1% lidocaine immediately prior to   a ratio of 30% microspheres to 70% gel by volume.  The
           injection. This creates a dilution of 5 mL, whereas previously   gel base helps to evenly distribute the microspheres at the
           3 mL of sterile water only was added 2-12 h prior to use.   injection site,  providing immediate  volume restoration.
           Injection was administered into subcutaneous fat instead of   After the gel degrades in 2-3  months, the microspheres
           the deep dermis.                                    promote the formation of new tissue formation by collagen
                                                               deposition.   Results  typically  last for 12-18 months [58-60]
           A study was conducted by Valantin et al.  in 2003 evaluating   leaving behind calcium and phosphate ions after undergoing
           50 patients who received four sets at day 0 and 2 mL, 4 mL,   the phagocytosis process by the macrophages.  A study
           6 mL, maximum 4 mL of PLA per cheek, monitored for 96   conducted by Marmur et al.  evaluated the histologic and
           weeks with valuations at 6 weeks, 24 weeks, 48 weeks, 72   electron microscopic structural changes observed following
           weeks and 96 weeks. Substantial improvement of at least   CaHA injection at 1 and 6 months. Standard light microscopy
           40% in cutaneous thickness from baseline was demonstrated   imaging  of tissue  specimens  at  1 month  post-injection
           in  over  40% of patients.  Total cutaneous thickness at  the   demonstrated no inflammatory cell  response or fibrosis,
           Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 3 || Mar 23, 2016                                                          79
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