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and universal return of protective sensation (pain, thermal,   who  underwent  hand  replantation  2  h  after  traumatic
          and gross tactile sensation) in all grafted hands. Results   amputation, revealed several observations in the
          in  discriminative  sensation  and motor recovery were   reorganization process. The authors observe that
          more variable across these patients.  A 2010 publication   supplementary motor area activation is resistant to
          following  49  hands transplanted between 1998  and   reorganizing effects in long‑term amputation, and this  is
          2010 across 33  patients revealed universal recovery   more prominently seen in M1. Activation patterns in M1
          of protective  sensation  and more  variable  recovery  of   increased over 2 years following the bilateral transplantation.
          discriminatory  sensation  and motor  function in  grafts   In the patient undergoing hand  replantation, structural
          at least 1 year posttransplant.  While  these  results   differences in cortical representation were not observed,
          look promising, it appears that success can be further   suggesting a functional cortical reorganization  instead.
          optimized in the realm of motor regeneration.       Magnetoencephalographic study of cortical representation
                                                              in 13 patients following limb replantation found a negative
          Pomahac et al.  reported 1 year postoperative functional   correlation between the extent of reorganization and
          outcomes  of  a  partial  face  transplant  of  a  59‑year‑old   patient‑reported pain following replantation. [45]
          male following an electrical burn injury. “Meticulous
          neurorrhaphy” was used to bring together the buccal,   Ultimately, forming comparisons between patients, grafts,
          infraorbital, and branches of facial nerves. Protective and   and outcomes studies are complicated by varying degrees
          discriminatory  sensations  returned  to  the  entire  graft  by   of existing transplant‑area injury in recipients, differences
          6 months, and symmetrical smiling was achieved by 1 year.  in the circumstances under which donor VCA tissue  is
                                                              procured, and surgical protocols and challenges unique
          A 2009 study compared functional recovery in a patient   to  each  procedure.  However,  aggregation  of outcomes
          who received a dominant mid‑forearm transplantation   is  necessary  to determine  overarching trends since  the
          to that of four patients who underwent mid‑forearm   number of patients undergoing VCA transplantation
          replantations following traumatic amputation. The   remains relatively low.
          two procedures vary in certain regards, including
          longer ischemic times  in transplantation as compared   A summary of recent and pertinent publications regarding
          to replantation, excess allograft tissue  requirements   functional outcomes in VCA can be found in Table 2, and
          for transplants, and the unique need for cortical   regarding cortical reorganization in VCA in Table 3.
          somatosensory  reorganization  following a  transplant.
          While the transplant demonstrated increased innervation   FUTURE DIRECTIONS
          of intrinsic hand muscles (hypothesized to be due to the
          effects of tacrolimus), grip strength  remained  greater   Nerve guidance conduits
          in  replantations,  potentially  due  to  muscle  fibrosis  and   The use of nerve guidance conduits  (NGCs) to appose
          atrophy in the recipient’s proximal forearm stump. [38]  nerve  stumps  protects against  scar infiltration  and the
          Post‑VCA cortical reorganization has been studied   development of neuromas, thereby enhancing the fidelity
          closely, since recovery of motor and sensory function   of regeneration.  A NGC is a doubly open‑ended tube
          requires not only peripheral nerve regeneration,  but   that  requires  separated nerve  ends  to  be  attached to
          the  reestablishment  of cortical areas  representing  those   either end of the structure, and the internal composition
          regions. Since VCAs are often performed many years after   provides a protected environment  for nerve sprouts to
          the loss of the limb, underlying cortical plasticity leads to   extend  longitudinally  towards the  opposing end.   Early
          loss of that limb’s  representation in primary motor  (M1)   versions of NGCs only demonstrated the limited extent of
          cortex and primary somatosensory  (S1)  cortex. Relatively   repair over a few centimeters.
          acute reestablishment  of afferent and efferent pathways   With respect to VCA, however, the benefit of NGCs has
          in VCA has been shown to result in significant cortical   not been studied in humans, as the gold standard remains
          reorganization. [39,40]  A functional magnetic resonance   surgical coaptation with or without the use of nerve
          imaging (fMRI) study of hand and elbow representations in   allografts. This technology  has primarily been used in the
          M1 in the months following abilateral hand transplantation   repair of peripheral nerve damage, and a review of studies
          revealed a reversal of the cortical reorganization induced   published through 2006 evaluating close to  three hundred
          by that amputation in a patient who underwent traumatic   patients reported “satisfactory” results in some patients
          bilateral amputation 4 years in advance.  Similar results   experiencing suboptimal results. At this point,  NGCs are
          were demonstrated with transcranial magnetic stimulation   primarily  limited  to  the  repair  of  short  lesion  gaps,  but
          in a patient who underwent bilateral hand transplantation   advances in this technology seek to increase the feasibility
          3 years following traumatic amputation.  fMRI evaluation   and consistent success of its use.  Currently, the theoretical
          of S1 reorganization in a unilateral hand transplant patient   benefits of using NGC over nerve allograft in VCA are
          35  years  following traumatic  amputation demonstrated   limited since donor allografts can be utilized to fill large
          the significant return of cortical  activity despite such a   gaps without additional immunosuppression or without
          prolonged absence of a limb. [43]                   concerns for donor‑site morbidity in the cadaveric donor.
          A study comparing cortical reorganization in 2  patients,   Chondroitinase
          one  of  whom  underwent  bilateral  hand  transplantation   Chondroitin  sulfate  proteoglycans  (CSPGs)  are  found in
          6  years following traumatic amputation, and another   the  extracellular matrix  and are  known to inhibit  axonal

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