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Page 6 of 12             Pandey et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2021;8:47

                Figure 4. A variety of anastomotic configurations (named in a lymphatic-to-vein convention) are available to maximize anterograde
                drainage. (A) Single end-to-end anastomosis, (B) end-to-end anastomosis of two lymphatics to two venous branches, (C) end-to-side
                anastomosis, (D) depicts multiple small-caliber, fibrotic (non-translucent) lymphatic vessels and a single, large-caliber vein, for which
                (E) an invaginating “octopus” technique is most appropriate. L: Lymphatic; V: venule.

               before declaring failure . It can be promoted by massaging distal to incision. Leakproof anastomosis is
               essential to allow lymphatic pressure to build up and overcome the venous pressure . If the microscope is
               equipped with an ICG module, patency can be confirmed by observing ICG flow into the veins . If
               backflow of blood into the lymphatic vessel is observed, venous pressure has exceeded lymphatic pressure,
               and the anastomosis is at risk of thrombosis.

               Controversy exists regarding the optimal number of LVAs . Theoretically, a few high-quality anastomoses
               (antegrade flow anticipated) should suffice, but reality often necessitates a quantity-over-quality approach.
               In keeping with this, the senior author (Chen WF) has demonstrated considerable clinical success when
               using suboptimal vessels by creating 8 to 15 LVAs per case [48,54,64] . The following are used as the procedure
               endpoints: (1) six hours of operative time; for experienced microsurgeons, continuing beyond this duration
               typically yields diminishing returns; (2) three consecutive negative incisions (i.e., no suitable lymphatics
               found when proceeding in a distal-to-proximal fashion); or (3) substantial drainage through LVAs causing
               visible limb decompression on the table .

               Frequently refreshing supermicrosurgical skills on practice models can shorten the learning curve for LVA
               in budding lymphedema surgeons .
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