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Page 18              Jaswant et al. One Health Implement Res 2024;4:15-37

               collaboration to advocate for the global goal of “Zero by 30”; to end human deaths from dog-mediated
               rabies by 2030 .
               Surveillance plays a critical role in infectious disease control . Surveillance entails the continuous,
               systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and timely dissemination of health-related information ,
               serving as the foundation for planning, execution and evaluation of public health strategies. For instance,
               surveillance provides data on the effectiveness of interventions, supporting decision-making for initiatives
               like “Zero by 30” . Increasingly, surveillance also involves genetic data, for pathogen diagnosis and risk
               assessment, as well as to identify the source of outbreaks and to characterise pathogen spread . Linked with
               locations, pathogen genetic data have uncovered disease movement; from global migration dynamics to
               local transmission pathways for pathogens such as Influenza virus [33,34] , Ebola virus , Zika virus , Yellow
               fever virus [37,38] , Mpox virus [39-42]  and SARS-CoV-2 . Sequencing approaches have the potential to enhance
               rabies surveillance and provide actionable information to inform control programs locally and globally as
               part of “Zero by 30”. For example, viral sequence data can distinguish undetected local circulation from
               incursions and potentially identify their sources . More generally, sequencing could provide insights into
               how rabies circulates within populations and the processes responsible for its maintenance in specific
               localities [32,45] .

               Use of pathogen sequence data for surveillance is, however, not yet routine in most LMICs. Constraints
               include lack of local sequencing capacity, competent personnel and laboratory resources, and these are
               affected by costs of, and access to, reagents and consumables, as well as power supplies and cold chain .
               Sequencing technologies have become more affordable and efforts are underway to improve accessibility .
               Indeed, growth in sequencing capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic provided evidence of the feasibility
               of scaling up molecular diagnostics, but also highlighted operational challenges. For example, in Nigeria, the
               number of laboratories capable of molecular identification of SARS-CoV-2 increased from four to 72 in
               2020 . In this systematic review, our goal was to examine the extent of the application of genetic
               approaches to RABV surveillance in regions with endemic dog-mediated rabies (much of Africa, Asia, and
               parts of Latin America) and how, going forward, these approaches can contribute to the “Zero by 30” goal.

               This review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
               Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines , following a protocol developed a priori to ensure methodological
               reproducibility and transparency [Supplementary File 1].

               Eligibility criteria
               Studies must address either dog, human or terrestrial wildlife rabies (i.e., not focus on bat rabies), and use
               molecular techniques and genetic sequence data, either for diagnosis [diagnostic polymarase chain reaction
               (PCR) products] or surveillance. We excluded studies reported as literature reviews that did not present
               genetic sequence data, or focus on rabies, and that were not published in English.

               Search strategy
               A systematic search was undertaken on PubMed, Web of Science and Google Scholar databases to identify
               original studies published between 2000 and 2023. Advanced searches with Boolean operators and
               quotations were performed using the search terms “Rabies AND (genom* OR sequenc* OR molecular OR
               phylo*) AND (control OR surveillance OR eliminat*)” as illustrated in Supplementary Table 2 with an
               example of the medical subject headings (MeSH) terms from one of the search engines provided in
               Supplementary Table 3. Further manual searches were performed for additional relevant studies.
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