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Page 157                                Millien et al. One Health Implement Res 2023;3:148-60

               Table 2. Human exposures to rabies suspect animals by case status and species, Haiti January 2013 - December 2017 [9,23]
                        Total human    Human exposures   Human exposures   Human exposures to   Human exposures to
                Case    exposures      to dogs        to cats        livestock         other animals
                        n       %      n       %      n       %      n       %         n       %
                Confirmed  222  2.4    217     2.4    2       1.0    3       3.9       -       0.0
                Probable  455   4.9    412     4.6    27      13.0   16      21.1      -       0.0
                Suspect  1,666  17.8   1,626   18     30      14.4   4       5.3       6       24.0
                Non-case  6,969  74.6  6,748   74.7   149     71.6   53      69.7      19      76.0
                Not     30      0.3    30      0.3    -       0.0    -       0.0       -       0.0
                Total   9,342   100    9,033   100    208     100    76      100       25      100.0

               2017 during which 4,342 cases were reported . For the other years, the field veterinary activities have
               decreased, but important efforts have been made by both Ministries of Agriculture and Public Health with
               the cooperation of PAHO to maintain the One Health approach to control rabies [Figure 3] .

               More than 26,232 cases of aggression have been notified in Haiti from 2017 until the 7th week of the year
               2023. On average, the MSPP can estimates about 4,300 cases of aggression by animals suspected of rabies in
               Haiti per year [Figure 3] .

               In 2017, there was one human case of rabies from a dog. In 2021, four cases and two in 2023 (7th week)
               [Figure 4] .
               HARSP has significantly improved the ability to detect rabies, leading to a substantial increase in reported
               animals each month compared to detection rates prior to the effective implementation of HARSP . This
               large increase was the result of the continuous training that the investigating veterinary officers and
               technicians received. This increase is also dependent on the increased awareness of the community and
               health institutions in relation to the problem of rabies and the geographical extension of HARSP, which has
               increased from one to five departments.

               The climate of violence over the past three years in Haiti has considerably limited the movement of
               veterinary and health professionals in the country. This bad situation did not prevent the two ministries
               (Agriculture and Public Health) from continuing to develop a certain number of activities according to the
               One Health approach with the support of PAHO. During the period 2017-2023), it is important to show (i)
               the number of cases of aggression by animals suspected of rabies by department in Haiti [Figure 3]; (ii) the
               trends of human rabies in the country [Figure 4]; and (iii) the celebration of World Rabies Day in
               September 2022 by MSPP with the participation of MARNDR [Supplementary Materials]. Several
               departments had very limited reports of animal notification, such as the departments of North-East, South-
               East, and Grand-Anse, which in 2017 still reported less than 10 rabies surveys. In 2023, that is the same
               situation with these departments because of a lack of human resources. These departments still have not
               carried out very extensive surveillance to form hypotheses regarding the level of endemicity of rabies, but it
               must be assumed that they are also affected. Almost all of the confirmed and probable rabies cases were
               dogs, which is consistent with the assertion that dogs are the reservoir of rabies in Haiti. The HARSP is
               designed to study animals involved in a human exposure event, both to remove rabid animals from
               communities  and  to  provide  exposed  individuals  with  evidence-based  post-exposure  treatment
               recommendations [9,18] .
   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96