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Al-Sammarraie et al. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2021;8:53-63  I          Page 57

               Table 3. Therapeutic and genetic targeting of BMP signaling in SCI in in vivo models
               Treatment           SCI model                          Effects                         Ref.
               BMP7                  Rats  BMP7 promoted neuroprotection via an increase in the number of surviving neurons, in  [24]
                                           part, via increased p38 non-canonical signaling
               Agmatine              Mice  It augmented BMP7 expression, reduced collagen scar formation, and improved BBB   [30]
               Agmatine              Mice  It reduced neuronal cell death and scar formation, leading to improved locomotive   [31]
                                           function. This effect was achieved, in part, via increased expression of BMP2/7 in
                                           neurons and oligodendrocytes, and decreased expression of BMP4 in the damaged site
               Conditional deletion of   Mice  Knockouts of astrocytic BMPR1A cause reduction in astrocytic hypertrophy, decrease in  [26]
               astrocytic BMPR1A and 1B    axonal density, and enhancement of the inflammatory response. In contrast, knockouts
                                           of astrocytic BMPR1B increase astrocytic hypertrophy and reduce lesion size and glial
                                           scar formation post-SCI
               Transplantation of OPCs   Rats  Transplantation of OPCs expressing (BMPR1A, 1B, and 2) into rat spinal cord led to their  [40]
               expressing BMPR1A, 1B,      differentiation into astrocytes
               and 2
               Administration of AAV   Mice   Intra-thecal administration of AAV vector encoding BMP4 led to Smad1 activation in   [42]
               vector encoding BMP4        dorsal motoneuron and increased axonal regrowth after SCI
               Conditional knockout of   Mice  Conditional knockout of β1-integrin in ependymal stem cells increased the movement of  [39]
               β1-integrin in ependymal    BMPR1B into lipid rafts while enhancing BMP signaling (canonical and non-canonical)
               stem cells                  and glial scar formation
               Noggin                Rats  Administration of recombinant mouse noggin intra-thecally improved locomotive   [23]
                                           function post-SCI and enhanced axonal regrowth
               Noggin                Rats  Noggin treatment reduced BMP2/4 expression and improved motor scored post-SCI  [29]
               Transplantation of    Mice  It promoted differentiation of NPCs into oligodendrocytes and neurons but inhibited   [38]  
               Smad6, Smad7, or noggin     their differentiation into astrocytes, leading to improvement of BBB scores in mice post-
               expressing NPCs             SCI
               Transplantation of noggin   Rats  It led to macrophage infiltration and widening of lesion size, but prevented astrocytic   [16]  
               expressing neuronal stem    differentiation post-SCI
               BAMBI                 Rats  Overexpression of BAMBI inhibited inflammation and promoted autophagy post-SCI  [54]
               BMP2                  Rats  Intra-thecal administration of rhBMP2 resulted in increases in expression of p-Smad1, 5,  [32]
                                           and 8 in most spinal cord cell types
               BMP: bone morphogenic protein; SCI: spinal cord injury; OPCs: oligodendrocyte precursor cells; NSCs: neural stem cells; BBB: Basso,
               Beattie, and Bresnahan; BMPR: BMP receptor; BAMBI: BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor; AAV: adeno-associated virus

               Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan (BBB) motor assessment scores when compared to controls . Furthermore,
               they found that inhibition of BMP signaling using noggin treatment was able to improve BBB scores
               when compared to the untreated group after hemisection SCI . Matsuura et al.  studied the changes
               in expression of levels of BMP2 and 4 and the BMP receptor 2 in rats after SCI, and the effect of noggin
               treatment on recovery from SCI. They found that BMP2 and 4 and the BMP receptor 2 were slightly
               expressed in intact spinal cord and expression levels were further increased after SCI. Moreover, noggin
               treatment was able to improve locomotive function after SCI when compared to the non-treated SCI
               group . Besides, several treatments with endogenous BMP components or recombinant BMP protein
               resulted in neuroprotective effects and improved locomotive function by modulating BMP signaling [30-32] .
               Kim et al.  compared the effects of agmatine, an endogenous protein with neuroprotective effects, on
               scar formation and functional recovery after SCI in mice. This study found that agmatine reduced scar
               size and improved BBB scores, in part, by increasing expression of BMP7 . Park et al.  showed that
               intraperitoneal agmatine treatment in a mice model of SCI was associated with increased expression of
               BMP2 and 7 in neurons and oligodendrocytes while expression of BMP4 in astrocytes and oligodendrocytes
               surrounding the damage site was reduced. The treatment resulted in improvement of locomotive function,
               inhibited neuronal death, and reduced scar size . Similarly, Dmitriev et al.  studied the effect of intra-
               thecal administration of rhBMP2 on expression of p-Smad1, 5, and 8 within the cells of the spinal cord
               after SCI in rats. The study found significant activation of p-Smad1, 5, and 8 in all neuronal cells, glial
               cells, and fibroblasts, which might affect recovery from SCI following rhBMP2 treatment [Table 3].

               Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependymal cells, and microglia are non-neuronal heterogenous cell types that
               maintain spinal cord integrity, homeostasis, and myelination . Marked increase in astrocyte differentiation
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