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Page 8 of 16               Zhang et al. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2019;6:8  I

                Fingolimod [119]  Placebo  Randomized,   RRMS  24 months  Placebo (n = 355), Annual relapse rate:
                                          phase III, double-              0.5 mg (n = 358), Placebo, 0.40; 0.5 mg, 0.18; 1.25
                                          blind                           1.25 mg (n = 370) mg 0.16
                                                                                      Cumulative probability
                                                                                      of disability progression
                                                                                      (confirmed after 3 months):
                                                                                      Placebo, 24.1%; 0.5 mg, 17.7%;
                                                                                      1.25 mg, 16.6%
                Cladribine,    Placebo    Randomized, phase  RRMS  96 weeks  Placebo (n = 437), Annual relapse rate:
                CLARITY study [154]       III, double-blind               3.5 mg/kg (n =   Placebo, 0.33; 3.5 mg/kg, 0.14;
                                                                          433),       5.25 mg/kg, 0.13
                                                                          5.25 mg/kg (n =
                Natalizumab,   Placebo    Randomized,   RRMS  2 years     Placebo (n = 627), Cumulative probability of
                AFFIRM trial [140]        phase III, double-              Natalizumab (n =  progression:
                                          blind                           315)        Placebo, 29%; Natalizumab,
                                                                                      Rate of relapse at 1 year
                                                                                      reduced by 68%
                Alemtuzumab [148]  IFN-β1a  Randomized,   RRMS  2 years   IFN-β1a (n = 231) Patients with relapse:
                                          phase III, double-              Alemtuzumab   IFN-β1a, 51%; Alemtuzumab,
                                          blind                           (12mg) (n = 436) 35%
                                                                                      Cumulative disability:
                                                                                      IFN-β1a, 20%; Alemtuzumab,
                Ocrelizumab [151]  Placebo  Randomized,   PPMS  120 weeks  Placebo (n = 244), Worse performance on timed
                                          phase III, double-              Ocrelizumab (n =  25-foot walk:
                                          blind                           488)        Placebo, 55.1%; Ocrelizumab,
                Siponimod [156]  Placebo  Randomized,   SPMS  3 years     Placebo (n = 546), Patients with 3-month
                                          phase III, double-              Siponimod (n =   confirmed disability
                                          blind                           1099)       progression:
                                                                                      Placebo, 32%; Siponimod,
                Rituximab [161]  Self     Phase II     RRMS   52 weeks    n = 30      Median GdE lesions reduced
                                                                                      from 1.0 to 0;
                                                                                      MSFC improved (P = 0.02)
                Rituximab [162]  Placebo  Randomized,   PPMS  96 weeks    Placebo (n = 147), Patients with CDP:
                                          double-blind                    Rituximab (n =   Placebo, 38.5%; Rituximab,
                                                                          292)        30.2% (P = 0.14)
                                                                                      Mean (SD) T2 volume change:
                                                                                      Placebo, 2,205 (4306);
                                                                                      Rituximab, 1,507 (3739)
                Rituximab [159]  AZA      Randomized clinical  NMOSD  12 months  Rituximab (n =   Decreased annual relapse rate:
                                          trial                           33),        Rituximab, 1.09; AZA, 0.49
                                                                          AZA (n = 35)  Relapse-free disease:
                                                                                      Rituximab, 78.8%; AZA, 54.3%
                AZA [167]      IFN-β      Randomized,   RRMS  2 years     AZA (n = 77),  Annual relapse rate:
                                          phase III, single-blind         IFN-β (n = 73)  AZA, 0.26; IFN-β, 0.39
                                                                                      Annualized new T2 lesion rate:
                                                                                      AZA, 0.76; IFN-β, 0.69

               IFN: interferon; PegIFN: pegylated interferon; RRMS: relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis; SPMS: secondary progressive multiple
               sclerosis; PPMS: primary progressive multiple sclerosis; AZA: azathioprine; DMF: dimethyl fumarate; GA: glatiramer acetate; MSFC:
               multiple sclerosis functional composite; CDP: confirmed disease progression; GdE: gadolinium enhanced; CI: confidence interval; HR:
               hazard ratio; SD: standard deviation

               and mycophenolate mofetil, and is probably the best choice at present [184-187] . Rituximab is a human-mouse
               chimeric monoclonal antibody against CD20, which is a regulatory factor for the early activation and
               differentiation of B-cells. It acts on B-cells and plasmablasts. After a single dose of rituximab, the number
               of B-cells typically decreases to their minimum value by 2 weeks, and this effect is generally maintained
               for 6 months. Studies have found that long-term rituximab treatment often leads to significant reduction
               in immunoglobulins [188] . There have been reports of infections with long-term rituximab treatment. It is
               important to monitor CD19+ B-cell counts, the total and specific Ig levels before and during treatment with
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