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Page 14 of 19            Mondal et al. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2018;5:34  I

               myelosuppression , suggesting that the quiescence of HSCs is closely associated with the protection
               of the HSC pool from the various stresses induced by myelotoxic insults. However, precise regulatory
               mechanisms of niche cell-HSCs remain elusive.

               Ang-1 expressed by niche cell is one of the indispensable interacting molecules which function as an
               autocrine activating factor for Tie-2 signaling in HSCs and their interaction activates  β1-integrin and
               N-cadherin, enhances quiescent state and facilitates long-term repopulating activity of HSCs by facilitating
               induced adhesion to bone and homing during the physiological crisis. The critical regulatory role of Ang-1/
               Tie-2 signaling in the maintenance of HSCs quiescence and promoting their adhesion to bone marrow
               niche, resulting in protection of HSCs compartment from myelosuppressive insults has been documented
               before . Furthermore, the mechanistic insight of this protective interaction against apoptosis by activating
               the PI3K pathway has also been addressed . We have also documented the inhibitory role of T11TS on
               glioma mediated pro-angiogenic Ang-1/Tie-2 signaling within brain endothelial cells ultimately restraining
               pro-tumorigenic angiogenesis in rodent glioma model . Although the mechanism through which glioma
               modulated activation of Ang-1/Tie-2 signaling within bone marrow niche and their correlation with
               gliomagenic global immune suppression remain to be elucidated, we hypothesize that gliomagenic up
               regulation of Ang-1/Tie-2 interaction disrupts the normal hematopoietic synchrony and ultimately affect
               the lymphohematopoiesis.

               Over expression of Ang-1  cells at osteoblastic niche signifying the quiescent state of HSCs as a protective
               barrier during pathological conditions to fine tune the self-renewal capacity. Here [Figure 4A and B], high
               level of expression in the glioma group might be due to the attempt to save the stem cell pool from the
               devastating effect of the chemical carcinogen ENU. The subsequent treatment with three doses of T11TS
               brings back both the HDC and LDC cells to near normal levels of Ang-1. The above mentioned effect of
               Ang-1on HSCs in the glioma-bearing state is definitely mediated by over expression of Tie-2 as Ang-1 is
               believed to be the dominant ligand for Tie-2 receptor in LT-BMHSCs and contributed in sustenance of stem
               cell activities within the bone marrow niche . In our finding [Figure 5A and B] higher expression of Tie-2 at
               LDC compared to HDC in ENU treated groups as compared to normal group hint to their protective effect
               on the immature HSCs than the mature cells at HDC during ENU insult. T11TS down regulates the higher
               expression of Tie-2 from both the mature and immature hematopoietic cells below normal levels, indicating
               that T11TS revive the quiescent state of HSCs driving them towards normal hematopoiesis of reconstitution
               and self-renewal.

               In summary, our current investigation clearly demonstrated for the first time, that during glioma
               condition, there was significant disruption in early phases of hematopoietic cell signaling. Our phenotypic
               studies of the two compartments of HSCs comprising immature LDC and mature HDC cells indicate that
               during glioma development all the receptors in both the compartments are drastically reduced due to
               reversion to the quiescent state of the particular population and also cell loss due to apoptosis as hinted
               in our recent publication . Their regenerative capacities were all renewed by T11TS treatment rendering
               “Therapeutically equipped HSC”. Primarily the immature cells had been stimulated from the quiescent
               state as shown by CD34 up-regulation. Next, they were driven towards maturity as denoted by Sca-1 up-
               regulation and lastly c-kit up regulations indicating the signaling involvements towards progenitor cell
               development. Up-regulation of the niche receptor Ang-1 and its counter-receptors Tie-2 of HSCs in the
               glioma group and drastic down regulation of both the stem cell pool by T11TS confirms the protective
               effect of T11TS to facilitate revival from the quiescent state of HSCs driving them towards differentiation
               and self-renewal properties [Figure 6]. Our findings should provide helpful guidance for the therapeutic
               utilization of T11TS during glioma and will also facilitate the understanding of how HSCs behave during
               gliomagenic immunological shock.
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