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Meenakshi-Sundaram et al.                                                                                                                                             SPECT observations in RPL syndrome

           infarction  especially  in the posterior  regions  of the   There was no word output. Optic fundi revealed
           cerebral hemispheres.  While such imaging features   no papilledema.  There were features of  grade 3
           have now been well documented, data describing the   hypertensive retinopathy. There was right gaze palsy,
           functional  imaging  characteristics in this syndrome   right hemiplegia (grade 0/5 over the upper and lower
           are rare. [3-6]   The pathophysiology of  RPL  syndrome   limbs),  bilaterally  brisk  deep  tendon  reflexes  and
           involves  cerebral autoregulatory dysfunction.  Acute   extensor plantar responses.
           rise of blood pressure beyond the upper limit of cerebral
           autoregulation  leads  to dilatation  of arterioles  dilate   Investigations revealed: blood urea 29 mg/dL, serum
           resulting in cerebral hyperperfusion  in a pressure-  creatinine 1.6 mg/dL and uric acid 8.8 mg/dL. Urinalysis
           passive manner. This leads to breakdown of the blood   revealed albuminuria. Hemogram revealed leukocytosis
           brain barrier resulting in extravasation of fluid and blood   (total leucocyte count 28,500 cells/ Abdominal
           products into the brain parenchyma.  Early changes   ultrasound  (done  1  year  ago)  showed  congenital
           in neurological diseases can be identified by imaging   pelviureteral  junction  obstruction in the right kidney
           regional  blood  flow  which  is  possible  using  single   with hydronephrotic  sac, dilated renal pelvis and
           photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT)    thinned renal parenchyma and the left kidney showed
           imaging which is sensitive to local metabolism and has   compensatory hypertrophy. MRI of the brain completed
           been utilized in conditions like dementias, epilepsy and   on day 2 of the illness revealed multiple lesions that were
           traumatic brain injury.  SPECT studies may reveal focal   hypointense on T1-weighted images, hyperintense on
           areas of hypoperfusion that are discordant with findings   T2-weighted and FLAIR images [Figure 1]. The lesions
           of MRI or CT. For instance, in traumatic brain injuries   involved  bilateral  cerebellar  hemispheres,  brainstem,
           functional imaging techniques may explain or predict   basal ganglia, posterior parieto occipital regions, corona
           postinjury neuropsychologic and cognitive deficits that   radiata, centrum  semiovale and splenium of  corpus
           are not explained by anatomic abnormalities detected   callosum  with effacement of ventricular  system and
           by MRI or CT.  SPECT study may thus allow us to    sulci. The lesions were moderately bright on diffusion
           understand the clinical correlations of the abnormalities   weighted imaging (DWI with b value 600) and lower
           detected in routine imaging findings like MRI and such   signal in ADC map. Anterior circulation was relatively
           correlations pertaining to RPL syndrome are reported   spared.  MR angiography  revealed  dolichoectasia
           in this communication.                             with atheromatous dilatation of anterior and posterior
                                                              circulation arteries without major vascular occlusion.
           CASE REPORT                                        Brain SPECT was performed on the 3rd day of illness
                                                              after administration of 20 mCi of Technetium-99m ethyl
           A 31-year-old male presented with history of headache   cysteinate dimer (99mTc-ECD). Images were acquired
           associated with recurrent episodes  of vomiting for   with a gamma camera, 1 h after tracer administration.
           the past 24 h. He developed 2 episodes of right focal   Acquired images were then reconstructed in transaxial,
           motor to  bilateral tonic-clonic seizures 3 h prior to   saggital and coronal axes. Images revealed perfusion
           admission.  Following  the seizures  he  remained  in   defects involving bilateral  basal ganglia,  left parieto-
           altered sensorium.                                 occipital, right cerebellar  and right occipital regions
                                                              [Figure 2].
           He had a prior medical history of medication-treated
           hypertension for the past 4 years. Renal biopsy was   Intravenous sodium  nitroprusside  (0.25 µg/kg/min
           obtained 1 year prior to presentation and revealed focal   initial dose but then titrated up) was administered for
           segmental glomerular sclerosis with multifocal tubular   hypertension. Intravenous fosphenytoin (20 mg/kg of
           atrophy.  He was assessed by nephrologist  for  the   phenytoin equivalent) was given followed by maintenance
           same and was then placed on continuous ambulatory   phenytoin (5 mg/kg/day) therapy. There were no further
           peritoneal dialysis along with antihypertensive therapy   recurrences of seizures. His blood pressure gradually
           (amlodipine 5 mg/day and prasozin 5 mg/day). He was   decreased  and  oral  antihypertensive  therapy  was
           poorly compliant with his anti-hypertensive medicines   instituted. His mental status improved by the second
           and had discontinued  them 1 week prior to this    day after admission and limb power was grade 1/5 on
           presentation.                                      the 3rd day. The power of his motor movements rapidly
                                                              improved subsequently  and was grade 5/5 on the
           On examination, his recorded vital parameters      5th day after admission and treatment. He remained
           were:  pulse: 142/min, regular and blood pressure:   asymptomatic since the 5th day after admission.  At
           240/180 mmHg. General physical and cardiorespiratory   the time of discharge  he was on  a combination  of
           examinations  were unremarkable.  Neurologically  he   prasozin 5 mg, clonidine 0.3 mg, labetolol 300 mg and
           was drowsy, arousable,  but not obeying  commands.   amlodepine  10 mg/day for control of hypertension.
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ February 20, 2017             29
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