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Zuo et al.                                                                                                                                                                             Herpes simplex encephalitis in adults

           With the development  of the diagnosis,  and antiviral   standard method for the diagnosis of HSE. However,
           therapies, the management of patients with HSE has   there is evidence of pseudo-negative result influenced
           improved rapidly in recent years. However, acyclovir   by the time of CSF sample collection: the PCR may
           resistance and a better understanding  of pathogens   be  negative  for  HSV-1  during  the  first  3  days  of  the
           and pathogenesis also represent new challenges.    illness,  however, if the CSF is re-examined after a
                                                              few  days,  the  PCR may  then become positive.  The
           Here, we review  the current status of diagnosis  and   European consensus report  recommends repeating
           therapies for HSE and discuss current controversies   the  CSF  PCR  routinely  after  14  days  of  treatment,
           and expectations for the treatment of this disease.  although this does not guarantee a positive result at 10-
                                                              14 days after illness. In particular, it has been previously
           DIAGNOSIS                                          shown that PCR positive result most commonly occurs
                                                              during the first week of infection, even in the case of
           Current status of diagnosis                        concurrent treatment with acyclovir.  In light of these
           HSE is a medical emergency and correct and immediate   data,  clinicians  should give full consideration to  the
           diagnosis is fundamental for  the  prognosis and   patient’s clinical manifestations and curative effects to
           therapeutic interventions. At patient’s first presentation   determine if the PCR test on CSF should be repeated.
           a meticulous medical history and a careful neurological
           examination  are critical. Peripheral  blood  count  and   THERAPY
           cellular morphology, such as lymphocytosis, are also
           helpful in differential diagnosis. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)   Current status of therapy
           typically shows a lymphocytosis of 10-200/mm  (or more)   Correct  immediate  introduction  of  specific  therapies
           and increased protein of 0.5-1.0 g/L or more.  During   could reduce the extent of injury and impact on survival.
           the early stage of the disease, electroencephalography
           (EEG) with the evidence  of spike and slow wave    Antiviral therapy
           localization to the temporal lobe might suggest HSE,   Acyclovir (ACV), a guanosine analogue, targets viral
           however, EEG has a sensitivity of approximately 60%   DNA replication and is the most efficient drug for the
           and a specificity of 80%. [11]                     treatment of HSE. The recommended dose is 10 mg/kg IV
                                                              every 8 h for 14 days. In immunocompromised patients
           Virus isolation in cell culture, serological tests for specific   or children under 12 years, the treatment usually lasts
           antigen or antibody production and brain biopsy play   for at least 21 days.  Therapy  should  begin  as soon
           a crucial role for the etiology and diagnosis of HSE.   as HSE is suspected, in fact  treatment delays are
           However, all have been now replaced by the detection   usually associated with a significantly poorer disease
           of HSV using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the   outcome.  Renal toxicity, caused by crystallization of
           CSF,  that  shows  a  sensitivity  of  approximately  96%,   ACV in the kidneys, can be prevented by hydration and
           and a specificity of approximately 99%. [12]       slow infusion rates, however kidney function should be
                                                              monitored and any sign of renal impairment should be
           Neuroimaging  is also importance in suspected HSE   considered. [23]
           cases. Magnetic resonance imaging  (MRI) is more
           specific  and  sensitive  than  computed  tomography   Valacyclovir (VCV),  an L-valyl ester prodrug of ACV,
           (CT), because of its non-ionizing radiation, multiplanar   which is converted to  ACV  by the  hepatic enzyme
           imaging  capability, improved contrast of soft tissue,   VCV hydrolase has been shown to have a better oral
           and high anatomic resolution. [13,14]  Usually MRI shows   bioavailability than ACV. A recent study indicated that
           the abnormalities characteristic of  edema and/or   the administration of VCV at 1,000 mg three times daily
           enhancement in temporal and frontal lobes, the insular   result in adequate acyclovir concentrations in the CSF
           cortex, and the angular gyrus. [15-17]  Nowadays, the use   and could be considered an acceptable early treatment
           of DWI and FLAIR imaging is strongly encouraged,    for suspected HSE in resource-limited settings. [24]
           as approximately 5% HSE patients show a normal MRI
           at presentation.  However, it is worth noting that the   Corticosteroids
           sensitivity of a new CT post-processing tool based on   Corticosteroids as an adjunct treatment for HSE are still
           frequency-selective  nonlinear blending  (best-contrast   controversial.  One study showed that corticosteroids
           CT) seems to be equal to that of DWI and FLAIR, as   increase  patient  benefit   but  they are not routinely
           suggested in a recent study. [20]                  recommended  [3,16,26]  as a large prospective randomised
                                                              trial is still needed. However, steroid administration is
           Unresolved issues in diagnosis                     recommended in situations where HSE patients show
           PCR-based test in CSF has been established as a gold   severe cerebral edema that could result in severe brain
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