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Su                                                                                                                                                                                         Stroke, neuroinflammation, genetics

           correlate with the degree of innate immune activity. For   AVMs are abnormal vessels shunting blood directly
           example, bone fracture induced systemic inflammation   from arteries to veins [13] . AVM has abnormal vessel
           exacerbates ischemic stroke injury in mice [3,4]  and   wall structure, which is likely to rupture. Rupture of
           reduction of inflammation through activation of a-7   brain AVM can result in life-threatening intra-cranial
           nicotinic acetylcholine receptor reduces ischemic brain   hemorrhage and hemorrhagic stroke [13] . Alternatively,
           injury . However, in recently years, many studies   pulmonary AVMs in HHT type 1 patients are associated
           showed that neuroinflammation appear to be double-  with a higher incidence of paradoxical embolism in the
           edged swords in the battle for neurological recovery.   cerebral circulation causing ischemic brain injury than
           For example, microglia/macrophage activation fosters   general population.
           brain recovery by clearing cell debris, which leads
           to resolving local inflammation. Activated microglia/  ENG is required for the differentiation and sprouting
           macrophage also produce a plethora of trophic factors   of endothelial tubes, which are important processes
           that promote tissue repair . Recent studies show   of angiogenesis. ENG is also an important mediator
           that blocking CCR2 macrophage impairs functional   of endothelial-mesenchymal communication during
           recovery of stroke victims . However, the kinetics of   angiogenesis. Eng deficient mouse embryos show
           macrophage/microglia polarization switch is different   impaired recruitment of vascular smooth muscle cells
           among different models, such as reperfusion vs.    and pericytes to newly form vascular network. Zhu et al.
           permanent occlusion [7,8] . Therefore, the contradictory   discussed, in this issue, the roles of ENG in ischemic
           functions of microglia/macrophage might reflect their   stroke and indicated that ENG expression might be a
           acquisition of distinct phenotypes in response to   potential biomarker for vasospasm after subarachnoid
           different microenvironmental cues .                hemorrhage and cerebrovascular stenosis. Experimental
                                                              or therapeutic modulating of ENG expression could be
           This issue includes a review and a mini review     useful in generation of animal models for study disease
           what discussed the role of inflammation in brain   pathogenesis and for development of novel treatments
           injury. Marcet  et  al.  discussed the impacts of   for multiple cerebrovascular diseases.
           inflammation in ischemic stroke and traumatic brain
           injury in their review. They indicated that although the   In summary, we have tremendously expanded our
           brain damage induced by the initial trauma is most   working knowledge of how vascular remodeling in the
           likely unsalvageable, the secondary immunologic    brain occurs and identified many the key cellular and
           deterioration of neural tissue gives many opportunities   molecular events underlying this process in recently. In
           for therapeutic strategists. This review highlighted   this issue, we have assembled a collection of articles
           the cell death mechanisms associated with injury or   from renowned experts in the field of brain injury and
           center nervous system (CNS) with special emphasis   neuroinflammation, and attempted to lift some of the
           on inflammation. They discussed the sources of     veil on the pathophysiology of stroke.
           inflammation, and introduced the role of the spleen in
           the systemic response to inflammation after CNS injury.   DECLARATIONS
           In the mini-review, Liu et al. [10]  overviewed the role of
           microglia in neuroinflammatory after ischemic stroke. In
           addition, a clinical study presented by Lu et al.  in this   Authors’ contributions
           issue demonstrated a correlation of cerebral microbleed   H. Su contributed solely to the paper.
           and the level of inflammatory markers in blood.
                                                              Financial support and sponsorship
           In addition to inflammatory, other such as genetic   This study was supported by research grants from
           variations influence stroke occurrence and recovery. A   the National Institutes of Health (R01 NS027713, R01
           review in this issue by Zhu et al.  discussed the roles of   HL122774 and R21 NS083788), Michael Ryan Zodda
           endoglin gene in cerebral vascular diseases. Endoglin   Foundation, to H.S.
           (ENG) is a transforming growth factor beta associated
           receptor and is required for both vasculogenesis and   Conflicts of interest
           angiogenesis. In human, ENG haploinsufficiency     There are no conflicts of interest.
           is associated with type 1 hereditary hemorrhagic
           telangiectasia (HHT), also known as Osler-Rendu-   Patient consent
           Weber Syndrome, which is an autosomal dominant     Not applicable.
           disease. HHT patients have a higher prevalence of
           telangiectases in mucocutaneous membrane and       Ethics approval
           arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in multiple organs.   Not applicable.
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