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Bosch et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                TMS for schizophrenia


                                TMS for
                                                              Authors’ contributions
                                                              Drafted the manuscript text, developed the intellectual
                  Research     Better study  Clinical         ideas, managed the vivid discussions with the other
                  potential      designs     potential        members of the research group, made the suggested
                                                              revisions,  and  approved  the  final  version  to  be
                                                              published: P. Bosch, M. van den Noort
                 Heterogeneity                Safety          Made both intellectual and textual suggestions for
                                                              improvement, contributed to the vivid discussions
                                                              with the other members of the research group and
                                                              approved the final version to be published: S. Yeo, H.
           Figure 1: Summarizing the main issues regarding TMS for   Staudte, P. Barisch
           schizophrenia. TMS: transcranial magnetic stimulation  Made intellectual suggestions for improvement,
                                                              contributed to the vivid discussions with the other
           instance, human subjects, after having been treated with   members of the research group and approved the final
           TMS, are known to suffer from minor complaints, such   version to be published: S. Lim
           as headaches, pain due to burns caused by the scalp
           electrodes, local pain, etc. [4,5] , and major complaints,   Financial support and sponsorship
           such as mood changes, seizures, induction of hyper-   None.
           or hypomania, etc. [4,5] . Obviously, in an extremely
           vulnerable population, such as patients suffering   Conflicts of interest
           from schizophrenia, those side-effects might be more   There are no conflicts of interest.
           prominent and may lead to even more adverse events   Patient consent
           and difficulties in the patient’s life.
                                                              Not applicable.
           Third, as to the underlying neurobiology and possible
           treatment interventions of TMS in patients with    Ethics approval
           schizophrenia, the clinical diagnostic issue of the   Not applicable.
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